Famously Yours chapter 2

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When I hear the lift, I rush from the kitchen without thinking. My hands are covered in dough and flour, but I don't give a damn . . . I have to see Jonny. The anticipation is almost killing me. I stand there, eagerly bouncing on the balls of my feet; willing the lift to hurry the hell up. As the lift doors slide open. I see him. Standing there. Holding two large bouquets of flowers, resting in the crook of his right arm and holding a travel bag in his left. If ever there was a man who could stop my heart beating because of his beauty, it would be him. My thumping heart feels as though it's about to burst out of the cavity of my chest, literally swelling at the sight of him. With his head down, he looks absolutely divine in his black jeans and fitted black military coat. Breathe, Jessica . . . fainting now is not a bloody option!

I'm glued to the hallway floor, completely and utterly immobilised by the fact that he's really here. He really is here! I silently shout to myself. It honestly feels like I'm dreaming and that any minute now, I'm going to wake up. If I am dreaming . . . please don't wake up!

Jonny slowly lifts his head, allowing our eyes to meet for the first time. For just a second, time is put on pause. We stand opposite one another wearing ridiculous smiles all over our ecstatic faces. Then time suddenly catches up with us. Before I know what has hit me, Jonny drops his bag on the lift floor. He rushes towards me with such unrestrained determination; I fear he may just knock me off my feet. "I have missed you so much, Dimples!" He embraces me with such vigour; a surprised little shriek escapes my throat.

As soon as my body is reunited with his, it relaxes against him; knowing it belongs there. I wrap my longing arms tightly around his back, pulling him into my gladdened body. Each second that passes is accompanied with a kiss from his soft full lips all over my face and neck. We exchange frantic little kisses, laughing in ecstatic unison.

"God, I have missed you too, Jonny," I utter breathlessly, resting my cheek against his chest and contently lifting my shoulders, my arms pulling him closer to me.

Jonny nuzzles into the curve of my neck. "I can't even put into words how good it feels to be back," he whispers, squeezing me tight.

Looking up into his hazel eyes, the ones that I have missed so very much, I suddenly feel overcome with emotion. "I love you." I manage through a broken whisper.

Jonny adoringly smiles down at me, kissing the tip of my nose. "I love you too." We lovingly embrace before he gently pulls back from me. "So, let me get a good look at you?" He holds my one hand high in the air, whilst taking a step back, keenly eyeing me up and down.

I playfully put my hand on my hip with a flirtatious smirk. "Do you still like what you see, Mr. Riley?" I ask demurely, lowering my chin.

"Yes I fucking do." He over enunciates the I, leaning in to passionately kiss me. The flowers rustle between our pressed bodies. I can't help but laugh. Those poor bloody flowers have now seen much better days. Jonny holds both the battered bouquets up by his face, examining them with a smile. "I'm sorry, Beautiful . . . I think I've just killed your flowers." Jonny laughs, looking apologetic. How damn good is the sound of his deep laughter? I happily ask myself.

I stroke his cheek with a reassuring finger. "It was the thought that counts. Besides, I'm sure that they will still look okay once put into a lovely vase," I chirpily say, taking the bouquets from his hands. I look at him with a small smile on my lips. "You bought me two bouquets?" I ask, grinning.

Jonny shakes his head. "I bought Mary some flowers, too," he says, now looking even more apologetic.

Knowing how over the moon that will make Mary feel, I lift both the bouquets, closely inspecting them. Although now unfortunately forlorn, the two bunches of pink hydrangeas and roses really do smell wonderful. I look at the flowers and back at Jonny. "They are still perfect. They just need a little TLC." I smile, turning towards the kitchen, but Jonny comes up behind me, his hands firmly gripping my hips. As soon as his hot mouth touches my ear, I feel the hairs all over my body standing to aroused attention.

Famously Yours - Sequel to A Famous Affair Where stories live. Discover now