Chapter Seven

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"Lass uns gehen, Tucker."

I frowned, cocking my head as I tried to hurry after Arthur and pull on my second shoe at the same time. "What?"

He raised a brow and smirked in amusement as I hopped a little and finally got it on. I straightened and took the coat he handed me to combat the February freeze. "Let's go, Tucker."

"Oh." I pulled the coat over my shoulders and followed him out the door. He led me down to his car in the garage and then we were off to the grocery store. I followed on his heels into the building and then stopped dead just inside.

The place was packed. Even more busy than it had been when I had come with Tony. Fear crept up my spine and wrapped around my throat. There were too many people. I couldn't distinguish human from monster fast enough to keep up with the sheer number of individuals that would be surrounding me if I went in there.

I blinked and took in a sharp breath when I suddenly had Arthur in my face. "You alright?" I swallowed and forced myself to nod. He frowned. "We could come back later."

I quickly shook my head. "No. I'll be fine." I started to move, realizing we were causing a traffic jam in the doorway. Arthur calmly stepped in front of me again, completely unconcerned with the dirty looks we were receiving.

"Are you sure?" I nodded. He didn't look like he believed me but he relented. "Fine. Stay right with me. I better trip over you if I turn around to fast. And no matter what happens, do not go to your knees and cower. Got it?"

I swallowed, absorbing the orders and nodding. "I got it, mm-" Arthur cocked his head a little at the aborted hum but didn't say anything about it. Just nodded and turned to begin. I followed close on his heels, close enough I was practically breathing down his neck. I got the feeling he was uncomfortable with the close proximity, but if it was my own or the crush of people I wasn't sure.

For my part, I was doing my best to focus on either Arthur, or whatever he was asking me about in regards to what he should be putting in the cart. It helped, certainly, but I was still stressing at the sheer number of tiny little touches or close calls. I didn't mind being touched, but not by strangers. It was like death by a thousand needles.

"Excuse me?"

I almost jumped out of my skin. The little elderly woman's tone was soft and she had been nothing but polite but it was just one more reminder that people could easily sneak up on me. She blinked a little in surprise as I took in a shuddering breath, practically on top of Arthur. I closed my eyes and tried hard to calm while Arthur took over.

"Can I help you ma'am?"

"I was hoping you could get that down for me? I can't quite reach."

I shuffled out of the way as Arthur retrieved the requested item. I listened to them exchange gratitude and an assurance that it was nothing before Arthur's hand closed around my shoulder. I opened my eyes as he pressed me into motion, stumbling a little.

"Sorry," I rasped.

Arthur just shook his head. "You ready to call it quits?"

I glanced over what was in the cart and gripped the handle. "We're almost done."

Arthur sighed and didn't resume our previous position. He let me push the cart now, staying right behind me with a hand tight on my shoulder. I breathed a little easier, feeling better now that I had a monster I knew at my back. I could do this. Just a little bit longer.


I winced. I had checked around the corner before pushing out but someone had been coming a little faster than I had anticipated. "Sorry. I thought it was-"

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