“Oh really? So we’ll be seeing a lot of you around here then?” His interest was obvious and glancing up from where I sat at the desk, I couldn’t help feeling a little anxious for John to return.

“Yeah. Why are you here?” He was a lighting guy, not an office worker.

“Man of many talents, I also work as a graphic design artist and only help on the big shows these days. The travelling got a bit much and I’m nearly thirty, need to start growing up.” He smiled casually walking in to sit on the office chair still covered in plastic.

“Thirty?” I didn’t think he looked much older than me, and definitely not older than John.

“Yup, twenty nine as of last month!”

“Happy belated birthday then!” I offered smiling, finishing with the box I was unloading.

“Where is your brother?”

“Interviewing. They asked him to go help with the selection panel.”

“Did you want some help?” Getting up he took my now empty box and began to fold it, putting it with the others.

“Sure, why not?” Having someone here to talk to helped, and he was able to show me how to open the windows. Being about six floors up the wind hit the building with force and did the trick with letting in the fresh air.

Sparky got his laptop out and put on some music, as well as lighting and design, he also did a bit of DJ work and his remixes gave us something to sing along to until Taking Back Monday started and I quickly skipped the song. Sparky said nothing and by the time John came back, his office had been completely set up minus a computer and the few odd bits and pieces he wanted to put on the walls.

“Great job guys, sorry for taking so long.” He glanced at Sparky curiously but before he could say anything else the man himself walked in. “Good afternoon Mr. De Luca”

“Hello John, Angus,” The older man shook both their hands before his eyes landed on me. “And this is?”

“Rebecca Mr. De Luca, we spoke on the phone yesterday about her.” John stepped over to my side as I extended my hand for the boss to shake.

“Pleasure my dear, John has told me many good things about you. Your brother is an asset to my company, I hope I will be able to say the same thing about you.”

“Me too!” I grinned awkwardly, unsure what to say. For an older man, he oozed a certain charismatic appeal and while I had heard stories from John on how he could be, he was nothing but charming and he was one of those men that only became more attractive with age.

“Bec, can you please run downstairs to the café and bring us all a coffee, caramel cappuccino if I am not mistaken Sir?” John never looked in my direction as Mr. De Luca nodded, smiling he took a seat while John took his place behind the desk. Just like that I was Johns bitch and I didn’t even start until Monday.

By the time De Luca left it was nearly five and the quick walk around the new offices had turned into a full days work. I was hungry from skipping lunch, tired and my arms ached from the unpacking.

“You need to feed me John.” I collapsed onto his lap and he moved his arm up before resting it on my stomach, still tapping away on his phone.

“I’m sorry sis, really am. My week off just ended, De Luca wants us to meet with Pot Luck first thing Monday and I need to get working on the tour ideas.” On cue the IT guys walked in with a trolley full of computer equipment and I was pushed off Johns lap as he got up to tell them where to put things.

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