Chapter 9 - Goodbye?

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The drive to the hospital was silent, not because of Connor though, all he did was try and make small talk, but i shut it down everytime!

"Come on Bells!" he complained as we turned into the hospitals parking lot. "Just talk to me!"

I looked up at him annoyed, "Tanners accident isn't an oppurtunity for you to get back in my good graces!"

Connor looked down at me sadly. "Please Bella!" he whispered "Please!"

But I couldn't! I don't even care about what happens between me and Caleb anymore, all I care about right now is Tanner.

I sent him a death glare before opening the door to his car. "Goodbye Connor!"

Now of course I didn't mean that litteraly being that he was right behind me. I meant it figuratively, and as weird as it may sound. I think he knew that!

Walking in through the hospital doors was harder then I thought. 

I made a beeline for the receptionist. "Hi!" I said as i aproached her desk.

She smiled up at me. She was very pretty with her bright blue eyes and light brown hair. "How can I help you?"

"Um, Tanner James, pretty sure he was admitted earlier today" I mumbled, she took a minute to go through her computer before pointing me in the right direction. "Room 409, it's on the fourth floor, third door on your left!"

I thanked her profousley before running towards the stairs. I didnt have time to wait for the elevators. I needed to see Tanner, NOW!

I could feel Coonor's stare as I ran up the stairs. I ran up all three flights in what must have been no more then three minutes. 

That's like a crazy personal record. Especially since I don't do the whole workout thing. Unless i'm in wolf form, she seems to love it!

"Bella wait!" Connor stopped me right as I was about to walk into tanners room. 

"What?" I snapped, annoyed. 

Connor flinched at my out burst. 

"I just wanted to prepare you!"  he said sympathetically "Tanner was beat up pretty bad last I heard!"

I suddenly felt bad for snapping at him. All he wanted to do was help. 

I sighed as i took his hand in mine. "Thank you!"

We walked into Tanners room hand in hand. Everyone turned to look at us, or at our hands more specifically, it seems like our relationship was hot news!

"Hi!" I said awkwardly freeing my hand from Connors grasp. 

I ignored everyones stares and rushed over to Tanners side. 

"Hey man!" I said as I pushed his hair out of his eyes. 

Tanner gave me a weak smile "Hey Belly!"

I laughed at Tanners nickname for me "Come on, i'm not that fat!"

Tanner tried to laugh but ended up cringing in pain instead. Apparently he broke a couple of his ribs in the accident, making anything - even breathing - hard. 

"Hey!" I said rubbing his cheek "it's okay! I'll talk, you just listen!"

Tanner nodded as he looked up at me "So nothings different?"

I cracked a smile as the words left his mouth. 

"I would hit you right now, but.." I said motioning to the multiple bandages all over his body. 

"I guess I'm lucky then!" Tanner whispered as he squeezed my hand. 

We sat there in silence for a few minutes before I noticed tears running down Tanners cheeks. 

I didn't want to embarrass him by saying anything so I simply looked at him questioningly. 

"Can everyone give me and Bella a minute please?" he asked, his grip tightning on my hand. 

I watched as one by one everyone, including Connor-much to his dissapointment, left the room.

"Bella, we need to talk!" Tanner said, pushinf himself up in his bed, as much as he could that is.

I looked over at Tanner, I'd never seen him cry before, it scared me!

"Bella..... I have cancer!" 


"No!" I screamed, my mother rubbing my back.

I was laying on my bed, after Tanner revealed his 'secret' I ran out of the hospital, I didnt care what he had to say, I didnt want him to make me feel better! I just wanted him not to be sick!

"Bella, please! Tanner needs to talk to you" my mother said as she rubbed my back some more "he's about to go through the hardest time in his life. Be there for him!"

My mother was crying, i could hear it in her voice, i could feel the tears dripping on my back. It was just so surreal. 

"It's justy not fair mom!" I cried as I wrapped my arms around her neck. 

My mother nodded as she wiped up her own tears! "I know baby! I know!"

We sat there in each others arms for a couple minutes crying. 

"I don't want him to die mom, I just love him so much!"

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