Percy's Pov

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It was around noon, Annabeth and I were in my cabin "talking" when the door burst open by the Stolls, they were dragging Nico, the rest of the Seven followed, along with Calypso.

"What are you doing?" I yelled angrily.

"We're using your cabin for truth or dare." Connor grinned, and dropped Nico.

"I didn't give you permission." I glared at the twins.

"Since when did we care about permission. I mean we brought Nico here against his will." Travis replied.

"Yeah, and somehow they made it so I can't shadowtravel away." Nico mutter. I was about to yell at them to get out when.

"Truth or Dare sounds fun." Annabeth put her arms around me.

"Perfect I will go first. Percy," Connor asked.

"Yes, intruder that ruined my afternoon." I answered.

"Truth or Dare?" Connor replied. He had that evil look in his eye that told you either way you are going to regret it. If I pick dare he could make me do something to embarrass me or make Annabeth mad. That wouldn't be good for anyone, but if I pick truth I can't lie and he might make me answer a question that will make me embarrassed or make Annabeth furious. So what is going to be.

"What's taking so long?" Piper groaned. I forgot I was in a room full of ADHD kids, and that I probably have been thinking for a while.

"Yeah, is the great Percy Jackson afraid of a question?" Jason mocked. I took a deep breath.

"Dare." My response was flat, emotionless, like a wall or Nico's face.

"I dare you to go to the Aphrodite cabin and flirt with the person that opens the door." Connor dared. Annabeth looked like she was about to pounce on him.

"Truth!" I yelled immediately.

"You already picked dare." Travis chimed in, as he was turning on a video camera. "This is going to be hilarious."

"Whatever, Annabeth please don't kill them." I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Fine." Annabeth just rolled her eyes.

*At the Aphrodite cabin*

Connor and Travis hid in the bush right next to the door so well not even I could see them. I knocked on the door. Please don't be Drew, Please don't be Drew. A girl answered the door, around fifteen sixt,een she had blonde hair that fell in perfect curls around her shoulders. She had eyes that changed color by the second. She was wearing a bright pink shirt, white wool sweater thing and blue skinny jeans. She was gorgeous, but she was no Annabeth.

"What do you want?" She asked politely.

"Just looking for a beautiful blonde." I replied.

"Oooookay?" She was confused.

"I'm Percy, I haven't seen you around camp what's your name?" I asked.

"Jem." She replied.

"I can see why they call you that. You truly are as pretty as one. Like a beautiful emerald, beautiful, and rare. They are hard to come by." I said, she was blushing now.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"Well, I have too get going, so by." I said.

"By." She said, and closed the door, giggling. As I was walking back to the cabin Connor and Travis, were grinning like mad men.

"That was painful you know." I told them. Of course both of them were still filming.

"It's okay buddy. Annabeth still loves you." Connor said.

"Let's get back already." I grimaced. They don't know what's going to hit hem do they.

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