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The smoke now is getting thicker and thicker and by the time she reach the metal bar, she was heaving. She tries her first smash but nothing happens. The knob just give a disgusting sound. She gathered her strength for the last time with the thought that Stanley is waiting for her. As she hit the knob, it nearly brokes but still managed to hold its place. She use up too much strength causing her to fall to the ground, choking and gasping for air. She try to reach and get ahold of the knob but the strength she has was not enough. Her hands falls helplessly to the ground and she know she can't do anything now. She can't believe it she's going to die.

The flames continue to engulfed everything it touches. Starting from the left side of the building, it reaches now half of its victory, it easily covered half of the school building. In amidst of it all the sleeping guard is just starting to wake up from slumbering just to witness a large flame covering half of their school building, he suddenly call the fire station.

Ambiguously Hazel tried and failed to get a glimpse of the sorrounding. She was rocking sideways, surely someone was holding her.

"Are you alright?" the boy asked. With that familiar voice her eyes automatically open and as she looks at the boy's face, she saw a smile that first touches her heart. It's just like they are back in the moment where she and Stanley had met.

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