Chapter Twenty - The Dare

Start from the beginning

Eydeth and Ellysian were enjoying this far too much, and just as Jahrra was about to comment on how dim-witted they were, Scede slid down to stand next to her.

"I'd like to see you go within five miles of that forest, Eydeth. Jahrra lived there for eight years without being afraid, but I've seen the scared look on your face when Professor Tarnik describes what lurks in there."

He stretched himself as tall as he could and laced his arms across his chest, glaring at Eydeth as he continued, "You have some nerve standing there making fun of Jahrra for living near that forest, but let's see you go within a hundred yards of it!"

The whole class quieted down at Scede's sudden outburst. He didn't often speak so boldly in front of his classmates, but when he did it was to make a point.

Jahrra smiled broadly in his direction and noticed that he looked even more irritated than she felt. He glared at Eydeth and Ellysian, looking like he was about to bite if they so much as blinked.

"You couldn't go near the Wreing Florenn if someone tied you up and dragged you there. That's how afraid I think you are."

Suddenly the laughter of their classmates turned from Jahrra to Eydeth, whose eyes had darkened dangerously. Gieaun, Rhudedth and Pahrdh joined their two companions, all three donning a look of determination as if Scede's insult had recharged them.

Discomfited as he was, Eydeth wasn't about to back down.

"Fine, so you don't live there anymore, but the only reason you did was because your dead parents couldn't afford to live anywhere else. Besides, it's not like you actually went into the forest. Only someone brave would go in there, not a lame little Nesnan like you."

Jahrra was suddenly livid, so she missed the tiny spark that flickered and vanished in Eydeth's eyes; the hint of triumph that glimmered behind the hatred. She forced herself to calm down and drew upon her measly arsenal: Eydeth didn't know about her little escapade with Gieaun and Scede after the unicorns. She knew she should let the evil boy's accusation hang, but she couldn't resist making him look like a fool in front of the entire class.

"Oh, but you're wrong," she crooned, examining her fingernails in a bored manner. "I have been in the Wreing Florenn. It isn't so bad, unless you're afraid of trees, birds and butterflies."

A murmuring began bubbling around the crowd of children.

"You!? Going into the Wreing Florenn? A lie for sure," Eydeth spat venomously, his look of triumph vanishing as quickly as a dry leaf thrown into a fire. "You probably only went into Willowsflorn and thought it was the Wreing Florenn. The trees in Willowsflorn barely come over my head, what could be so frightening about that?"

"Trust me, Eydeth," Jahrra said with a sigh, her hands now placed squarely on her hips, "I would've noticed if I was taller than the trees."

Everyone suddenly burst out laughing, earning a poisonous glare from a red-faced Eydeth.

Scede took advantage of the opportunity of the horrible boy's moment of defeat.

"I've been in the Wreing Florenn too, and so has Gieaun!" he insisted. "We've all been in the forest, and Jahrra is right. You'd have to be a mouse to be afraid!"

The entire class continued sniggering at Eydeth while nodding their heads in apparent respect for the three courageous friends who had braved the Wreing Florenn.

Eydeth immediately overcame his embarrassment and snarled, "They're obviously lying! Remember how she lied about me pulling her down when we had the climbing contest at our Solstice party!"

The Legend of Oescienne - The Finding (Book One of the Oescienne Series)Where stories live. Discover now