Chapter Seventeen - Dueling with Dragons

Start from the beginning

"Can you breathe fire like Master Hroombra?" Scede blurted, interrupting Jahrra's thoughts and taking everyone by surprise.

The boy blushed slightly at his own outburst; clearly he hadn't meant to be so forward. Jaax looked down at Scede and grinned, then took a deep breath and let out a huge burst of flame, blue in the center and green around the edges. Aimhe, Bhun and Phrym all backed up and pulled at their bits nervously, but Gieaun and Scede were ecstatic with joy.

"Whoa! How can you do that?" Gieaun remarked, not noticing the look of irritation on Jahrra's face.

"I'm not quite sure Gieaun, but all dragons have the ability to breathe fire, steam or ice," Jaax answered, as if discussing the weather. "I happen to be a fire-breather."

He then began to blow smoke rings, which only encouraged Gieaun and Scede to jump from their horses in delight. The next minute they were laughing and coughing as they tried to leap through the giant loops of misty smoke.

Jahrra remained seated on Phrym, infuriated that the dragon should put on such a show for her friends while treating her with such disdain. It was almost as if Jaax had charmed them with magic. Why is he so rude to me but nice to them? she wondered miserably. Then she remembered that she hated him, so it really didn't matter in the end.

"Gieaun, Scede, do you want to put the horses away now?" Jahrra said quite rudely as she finally climbed down from Phrym's back.

"Oh, yeah, in just a minute," Scede said shortly without stopping his game of dodging the smoke rings. "You go ahead, we'll catch up to you."

Jahrra shot one more angry look at Jaax before leading Phrym away.

"Is she always so bad-tempered?" he asked the siblings once Jahrra had turned away.

"What are you talking about?" Gieaun asked, allowing a stray smoke ring to pass through her.

"Never mind, it's not important," Jaax sniffed.

The Tanaan dragon narrowed his emerald eyes as he watched Jahrra march away across the pasture. So, he thought with a scowl, that's how it's going to be, is it? He'd been testing the girl, searching for weakness, knowing now she wasn't going to accept him back so easily after his long absence. What had happened to the young girl he met four years ago? She'd been impressed and eager to make friends then, now she seemed guarded and distant, a slow anger burning inside of her.

What's causing this anger? Jaax wondered, absentmindedly blowing another dozen smoke rings in Gieaun and Scede's direction as he watched Jahrra lead Phrym away. He wondered if it might still be the effect of Abdhe's and Lynhi's deaths. After all, it really wasn't that long ago . . . His brow furrowed and his mood darkened for a moment. That could be it, but not all of it. She was cheerful until she saw me.

He sighed and realized that he would have to figure this out in due time, but for now he was going to make good use of this opportunity to check in on Jahrra's progress. The business of the outside world had kept him away from this task for far too long, and though his time here would once again be short, he was going to make good use of it.

Jaax smiled wryly as he continued to watch the fuming girl kick irritably at stones and swat at the swaying grasses as she moved closer to the stables. Yes, this will be interesting indeed . . . he mused.

"Ugh!" Jahrra puffed angrily as she pulled Phrym up the sloping field alone. "He thinks he's so clever! They only like him because he can breathe fire!"

Phrym whinnied softly, as if voicing his agreement.

"I'm glad you're on my side Phrym," Jahrra said dejectedly, reaching over and pulling his head into an appreciative hug. Phrym just nickered cheerfully and shoved Jahrra softly forward with his nose.

The Legend of Oescienne - The Finding (Book One of the Oescienne Series)Where stories live. Discover now