Chapter Sixteen - Chasing Unicorns

Start from the beginning

"Where are you off to this morning Jahrra?" he asked casually.

"Oh, just for a ride," she answered in all truthfulness. "Then maybe I'll go over to see what Gieaun and Scede are up to."

She often had something more mischievous in mind than a simple ride, but today she could explore with a clear conscience.

"Whatever you have planned, do be careful," Hroombra replied, looking back down at his work.

"Of course, I always am."

Jahrra quickly grabbed a few chunks of bread and cheese and packed a small lunch for later. As she crossed the uneven field that stood between the Ruin and the stables, she gratefully breathed in the fresh air. It was full of moisture and flavor and smelled and tasted of the rain that had fallen only a few days ago. Its scent was of warm, moist earth combined with the unique smell of new growth; the comforting aroma of spring.

She closed her eyes as she walked and happily imagined the field covered in blossoms, nodding and brushing softly against her skin; the bright yellow sun daisies, the blue and indigo lupines, the red paintbrush, the creams, butters, lavenders and violets of the wild pea plants, the deep yellow ochre of the fiddle necks, and the brilliant orange of the poppies. Jahrra began to skip as she got closer to the stable, and Phrym, sensing her gusto, joined in with a dancing of his head.

"Alright Phrym, I'm here," she laughed. "Ready for a ride?"

Phrym greeted her with a rough nuzzle, nearly knocking her over. She sighed in admiration, remembering when his shoulder came up to her own. Now it was above her head.

Jahrra saddled Phrym in record time and soon they were cantering across the lush fields, kicking up condensation and startled doves. Jahrra decided to take Phrym along the western edge of the Wreing Florenn and then on towards Wood's End Ranch. Gieaun and Scede were helping their parents with the sheep this weekend, and Jahrra figured they would be in one of the back pastures. Every spring, Nuhra and Kaihmen counted their stock and helped the ewes with the new lambs. Scede and Gieaun were now old enough to work alongside their parents and Jahrra wanted to lend a hand as well.

Jahrra kept Phrym a good hundred yards away from the looming forest as they traveled; she was still a bit leery of its deep shadows and strange quiet. When they were halfway to the ranch, Jahrra pulled back on the reins for a short rest. She and Phrym caught their breath and took in the wonderful scenery of the vast rolling fields spreading out all around them.

It was then that Jahrra had a sudden urge, almost as if someone were whispering into her mind, to glance over at the edge of the Wreing Florenn, only a stone's throw away. The tall trees looked suddenly peaceful, not menacing, in the bright, warm sunlight. Her whole life, Jahrra had been warned away from these woods. Kaihmen's tales and her own father's warnings from her earlier years had frightened her away from the Wreing Florenn. But now, seeing the silvery blue and green of the eucalyptus leaves and the cool, inviting depths of the wood, she had trouble curbing her sudden curiosity.

"I did tell Gieaun and Scede that I'd go in there someday, when I was braver," Jahrra whispered to Phrym while keeping her gaze glued to the forest's edge. With an unexpected spurt of gumption that seemed to come from nowhere she added, "Well, I feel brave now. How about you Phrym?"

Phrym let out a nicker of apprehension as Jahrra slowly led him towards the forest's edge, her eyes snared within its depths as if she were under a trance.

"It's alright Phrym, we won't go in too far," she encouraged, patting his neck gently.

They slowly approached the edge of the trees and Jahrra let out a quiet gasp when she noticed that their branches were covered in thousands of butterflies. Many were dancing around in the air all around them, their burning orange and golden-beige wings flashing vigorously like falling leaves.

The Legend of Oescienne - The Finding (Book One of the Oescienne Series)Where stories live. Discover now