Chapter 8- The Leaky Cauldron

Start from the beginning

“No need to be like that” Sam took my hand and squeezed it “I’ll still be here” a warm smile spread across his lips, my face instantly mimicked it.

He pulled his hand away, “Remember the amazing people I told you about?”

“Of course” I smiled; he was so kind about his family. I’m sure he would never admit to Neville that he thought he was amazing but that’s just because Sam was nervous in that cute little way.

“Well, here’s one of them now” Sam said, turning to look at the door. I followed his gaze to see a young woman, about Harry’s age; sweeping in. Her long dark hair fell in a plait across her shoulder and her dark skin seemed to glow, there was no doubt she was, annoyingly; effortlessly beautiful. “Sam” she smiled warmly, her eyes giving him an adoring look. Every cell in my body tensed up.

Sam returned the smile and stood up. He leant over towards her. No, please don’t, my heart was begging. And then he kissed her, a sweet, gentle, warm kiss. Just like the ones he used to give me. My heart shattered into a million pieces, I had to blink furiously to stop the tears and bite my lip to stop the sobs.

“This is Parvati Patil, my girlfriend” Sam said proudly, like he has won a special award. I forced a smile in her direction “Athena Black” I spluttered, “Sam’s best friend.”

Parvati smiled at me and held out her hand for me to shake. I looked at it for a moment before standing up and taking it, out of sheer politeness.

We all sat down again, Sam intertwined his fingers with Parvati’s and said, mainly in her direction “Anyone for drinks?”

By just looking at them it felt like I was repeatedly being stabbed in the chest with a carving knife, the way he looked at her made my stomach twist “Actually, I don’t know if I can” I said hurriedly “I’ve just remembered that I have to help George with the shop.” I stood up to leave “Nice meeting you Parvati” a false smile plastered on my face.

“Are you sure?” Sam said looking at me in confusion. “You’ve only just arrived?”

“Yeh, sorry, I’ll see you soon” I turned out of the pub as quickly as I could, the tears I had held back earlier began to flow from my eyes.

I strode along the street, unsure where to go, until I saw a small alleyway. I ducked down it and let myself change from girl to eagle. I flew high into the sky, letting the breeze ruffle my feathers, letting the tree tops brush my breast. I couldn’t hold it for long though, emotion never let me stay like that. I landed softly on the edge of a hill, overlooking a worn and rugged building.

I brought my legs in towards me and cried, the heartbreak flooded my very being, no inch of me was left untouched.

It took me a while to realise I wasn’t alone. “You again” a voice murmured. I wiped the tears from my eyes, shield up. I looked next to me to see a familiar hooded figure.

“More to the point it’s you again.” I said my voice thick with tears.

I heard Draco laugh, “Funny that.” I looked away from him; don’t let him see your tears I thought. “What seems to be bothering you?” he asked casually.

“Nothing you need to concern yourself with.” I said sharply.

He looked at me “Oh I see…” he muttered. I looked at him confused.

 “Rejection.” he said simply “Not enough hurt for it to be heart break, too much for it to be a simple argument”

Anger swelled inside me “You don’t know anything” I looked at his ghostly face.

“Really?” he smirked “It seems I know more than you”

“How can you know more about my feelings than me?”

“Good judgement” he said smugly, sitting himself next to me “Point is, you have made a mountain out of a molehill.”


“You knew it was coming really.” That was it.

“How was I supposed to know that the person I love was going to go off and love somebody else?!” I bit my lip, I’d said too much.

“I was right then.”

I glared at him “Have you ever been in love Draco?” I snarled “I mean, with someone other than yourself?”

His face dropped “Yes.”

“Enough to know the difference between heart break and ‘Rejection’” I asked sarcastically, my temper rising.

He stood up and looked down at me; “Heartbreak hurts a thousand times more” he turned around and strode off down a small winding path, leaving me alone.

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