Chapter 2- The Old and the New

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It was a week after the battle, the dead had been buried, the injured were in St Mungos and Hogwarts had been rebuilt. Nothing ever took long in the wizarding world, magic took care of everything. However the after effects lived with you forever, many people shared grief over lost ones, some had nightmares about what they had seen, but everyone remembered the day the Dark Lord fell.

The elite however felt another feeling, confusion. After the raising of the memory charm everyone at the elite seemed unsure of themselves, we were all a little more reserved than usual. Although it comforted me to know that everyone remembered as little as I did I wasn’t the only one asking the question, who am I? The only answer we could come up with was the elite, but even that didn’t suffice.

I looked at the bag on my bed; it had everything I owned in it, a few books my clothes and a photo album of the elite, which everyone put together to remember each other once we had all moved on. The rest of my room was empty; I had one all to myself because I was head girl, something which surprised me a lot. I had never thought that I was the type, the only reason I could think of was that I was a geek.

 I worked stupidly hard in the elite, but so did everyone. I just went over board; it paid off though I was top in nearly every subject, apart from Dark creatures, where Sam beat me. The subjects in the elite were vey different to the ones taught in the actualschoolofHogwarts. All we were ever taught was Defence against the Dark Arts, every aspect of it. There was Deception and Disguise, the art of concealing yourself and hiding any trace of your being from your enemy. Dark creatures, how to tame and over come them. Offensive spells and duels, spells to attack your opponent and how to duel effectively. Defensive spells, how to protect yourself from an incoming spell and how to avoid injury, and Survival skills, it included transfiguration, how to heal wounds and injuries, finding food in the desert etc. Also unlike Hogwarts we only had two teachers, Alastor ‘Mad-eye’ Moody, an Ex- Auror who we lost to a deatheater a mere few months before the battle, and Professor Aberforth Dumbledore. They always made sure that we kept ourselves well hidden from Hogwarts, keeping strict curfews and only allowing us out of the third floor when most of the school was at Hogsmeade. But most of us went out anyway, spying on the Hogwarts students and being the cause of pranks that the students had no sane explanation for. I may have been a geek but it still didn’t stop me from being a little mischievous! Sam and I were the main pranksters of the elite; those ginger twins had nothing on us!  I often disrupted Magical creature lessons by flying over Hippogriffs and causing them to go mad and Sam darted amongst classrooms, tripping teachers and students alike, disguised as a ferret. Something which caused a lot of hilarity between the elite, simply because he was a ferret. By sneaking around all of the time we found things out that we possibly shouldn’t have done, one being that we knew where the Philosophers Stone was hidden and how to get hold of it. After that we were locked in the third floor for two whole years, the second year because the chamber of secrets had been opened. The elite couldn’t risk exposure. But in the couple of years, when Voldemort was coming to power, the pranking stopped and the hard work began.

Now that was all over.

 I looked at the paper in my hand. ‘Wizard Elite Graduation Ball’ those words were a lie it actually was a get together for the families, to be reunited with the children they lost at two years old. To try and have a happy event amongst the inevitable grief. The ball was everyone’s chance to really find a place where they belonged, with their true families. At this thought my stomach knotted up, what would it be like seeing my father again? Would he recognise me? Would it be awkward after so long of us being apart? I re-read the invitation, ‘formal clothing’ that implied that a nice dress was in order. I suddenly realised I’d had this invitation almost a week and hadn’t even found a dress yet, everyone else in the elite had found something to wear but it hadn’t registered in my brain until now. At that moment Sam walked in, I don’t know how he does it he’s not actually allowed in girl’s dormitories and I put protection charms on my room. He had a large grin on his face and his floppy hair swept across it “I’ve worked it out!” he said before I could protest.

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