Chapter 1- The Final Assembly

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“Your Lives have led up to this; the dark lord has declared war” murmured Professor Dumbledore, the head teacher of the wizard elite, his brother Albus was the ex head teacher of Hogwarts. Ex because he was killed by a deatheater- we were never told who. We had all heard the painful scream of Lord Voldemort shouting Harry Potter’s name through out the castle telling us he had declared war. “This is our Final Assembly, so I feel that you should know where you came from, what life was like before the elite.” Mutters of confusion filled the room “Life before the elite has been clouded with a memory charm, to protect you and your families. Today is the day that I will raise it” everyone went quiet and stared straight ahead into his eyes, and with a sweep of his wand everything came flooding in, my teddy, the crying, baby and my father.

I looked along the line, I was accompanied by 49 other students all were gasping and holding their heads, we were the wizard elite. Taken at the age of two all we were ever taught was fighting tactics and how to overcome the most evil of dark creatures. By the time we were 11 we could produce a fully fledged patronus’, 15 we were animagi- we could turn into the animals our patronus’ took. I’m an eagle- I felt that it was influential, a sign of power, but at that moment I felt like a tiny sparrow being stalked by cat. The fear in the room could have been cut with a knife, not only were we scared of the memories, something we hadn’t seen in 18 years but we were scared of the mission. Even though it was all we had ever been taught, nothing prepares you for it. My best friend, Sam, caught my eye and squeezed my hand. He had a way of comforting me when times were at there darkest. Our strongest and only weapon was our wands, and that’s all we had time to get. We held them tightly in our hands, gave one last look at the people around us and ran off to station ourselves around the castle. Silently praying that everyone we had just seen would be there when we got back.

The battle was hard; I saw things that scared me, the deatheaters faces- ready to kill, my friend’s fury fighting them and suddenly being shot down, some dead, some injured, but there was no time to stop. I dodged down a dark corridor I was on my own; I stopped and tried to catch my breath. Big mistake. I heard the footsteps before I saw the cloak, my legs went as fast as they could go, I was twisting and turning at each corridor, I flung random spells at the deatheater to try and distract them, but it was no use. My heart was pumping, my palms were sweating. A flash of green soared past my head and a scream of “Avada Kedava” was in my ear. My mind went back to a lesson that Professor Dumbledore had taught us- don’t be afraid to fire the same spell that your opponent fired at you, even if it is an unforgivable curse. I stumbled as I turned around, my arm swung towards the deatheater following me I screamed with all the force inside of me “Avada kedava!” it hit them square in the chest , they crippled, their eyes went dull and fell to a crumpled heap on the ground. It was there I stopped. I looked at the deatheater, still and motionless on the ground. The mask they wore showed their allegiance; it lived up to the name of deatheater- willing to kill, unwilling to be killed. I was brought out of my daydream by screaming; I turned towards the voice and ran. I saw the back off a death eater and shouted “Serpensortia” a huge snake flew out of my wand and wrapped itself around the deatheater, at this the person on my side of the fight- a Hogwarts student, he looked about 18, nodded thanks to me and ran off. I walked over to the now whimpering deatheater. “I’m sorry, I thought deatheaters liked snakes” I whispered, a smile spreading across my face.

“I guess not” I shrugged.

My prisoner had sweat pouring off his forehead “Have mercy” he gasped “get it off me”

“Is that what you would do for me then?” I asked.

He laughed “Probably not, but we are different people. Your kind is forgiving, I’ve never been taught such a luxury. Give a guy a chance to change” he smiled a sickly smile.

“I’m not that stupid” my voice went harsh “I’ve already killed one of your kind tonight. But I’ll be nice, I’ll let you try and get out of this one” I looked at the snake wrapped around him, preventing any sort of movement. I took his wand out of his trapped hand and threw it across the corridor; I turned on my heel laughing. I walked a while my eyes and ears open but I avoided more trouble. Eventually I found the large hallway at the front of the school. Everything was ruined the staircase hanging off the wall, paintings torn, the people in them huddled in fear in one large painting at the top of the destroyed staircase, bodies scattered across the room. One of the bodies moved and a voice whimpered, my heart stopped, I nervously walked over. It was a girl, she was on my side of the fight, and her eyes were wide looking up at me a lonely tear ran down her face. “It’s ok I murmured, I’ll get you to the main hall, I think that’s where casualties are” she looked hopeful and tried to sit up but failed, I hooked my arm under hers and let her lean on my shoulders. She whimpered in pain as I stood her up “what’s your name?” I asked her, I needed to keep her awake, to make sure she was ok.

“Lavender” she murmured

“Hello Lavender, I’m Athena. I’ll help you” I said trying to sound hopeful and caring, to make her feel calmer.

“Thanks” she whispered. I dragged Lavender to the hall where I found a large crowd. Someone instantly came over and took Lavender from me “I’ll take her to the first aid” they told me I nodded and smiled at them but something else took my attention- there was no fighting. Deatheaters and a mixture of the Elite, the Order and Dumbledore’s Army stood together. Not in harmony but in amazement it was the final showdown. The Dark Lord versus Harry Potter- it all came to this. In the end it doesn’t really matter how many deatheaters died, the real outcome of this war depended on who died here. Harry or Voldemort. Despite the fact we had been hidden away for 18 years we knew everything; especially Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. The three most wanted wizards in the country. We also knew that we weren’t the only secret force; there was also the Order of thePhoenixand Dumbledore’s Army. However they didn’t know of us, we had been the wizarding worlds biggest secret. We knew everything about everyone yet we were so concealed they suspected nothing.

The battle was tense everyone watched in anticipation; my mind scanned the room trying to find friends, fellow elite members, to make sure they were ok. Much to my relief I found Sam, with only a small cut across his cheek, he caught my eye and he smiled a broad smile. That was another thing I loved about Sam he always had room for a smile. But I couldn’t return it, I unfortunately don’t have that talent, instead I just had to force the corner of my mouth upwards to see if he got the message. My eyes went back to the fight; they had been circling each other for at least ten minutes whispering threats so quietly that no one could hear. Suddenly they stopped still, there was a flash of light, a high pitched scream of “Avada kedavra” and desperate yell of “Expelliarmus”, and then a thud and the Dark Lord crumpled to the floor. A wave of relief flooded the room, the few remaining deatheaters disappeared in a terrified mist and everyone around me cheered. There was a lot of running; many ran to the middle, to cheer on Harry, many others ran to their families to make sure that no one was hurt. I looked up and I saw my family, the wizard elite in one big huddle, I ran over desperately pushing through the crowd to reach them. I was happily greeted with a pair of arms wrapped tightly around my waist and “I’m so glad your ok” whispered into my ear, I looked at Sam and finally returned that smile.

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