Chapter 5

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One night I awoke to the sound of glass breaking, that seemed to be coming from outside. Glass breaking outside?! That could only mean one thing. All at once I bolted out of the mansion into the greenhouse. There stood a man who had broken into my greenhouse. He was in his thirties, dirty and greasey looking with yellow teeth and red eyes, he seemed a little disoriented. A drug addict no doubt but then I saw he had smashed a display killing my red roses, killing them! He killed my roses! The only things I had left of my mother.

"How dare you break in here and destroy my roses!" I roared.

I lunged for him, grabbed him by his shirt collar, and pulled him into a headlock. His face had gone white and he was trembling like the devil had come for his soul. He should feel like that. No one destroys my mother's most prized possession and gets away with it. Not while I'm still alive.

"I'm...I'm sorry!" He cried. "Just don't hurt me! I-"

"Silence!" I shouted. "You ruined them! Now you're gonna pay!"

"What are you going to do?"

No clue. "I'm going to drop you scum bag!"

His eyes were filled with horror and his face began to turn red from how hard I was holding him. He waved his arms around like crazy, struggling to get loose but I had a tight hold on him.

"It...It was an accident." He blubbered. "And they were just stupid flowers."

"Just stupid flowers?!" I lost control and sized him by his throat. His face began to turn blue as he choked for breath.

"Let me go! I'll do anything! I'll get you anything!" He coughed. "Money!"

"No amount of money can pay for what you've done!"


"I'm not an addict you sleeze!"

"There must be something." He was crying now but at the same time he seemed to be thinking of something, anything he could give me to save his ass. "What about a girl?!"

"What?" I almost lost my grip.

"A girl! A pretty girl! You want one? I'll get you one."

"Don't screw with me! I warn you!"

"No! I have a niece!"

A released the thief and let him breathe. After listening to him coughing, gasping, and trying to catch his breath for about maybe an hour or thirty minutes I grew impatient.

"Alright talk!" I ordered.

"She's my brother's daughter and he and his wife are gone so you can have her."

"You're lying!"

"No I'm not!"

"Prove it! Describe her!"

"She's young and a little spirited which I find very annoying but she's very beautiful. So if you want a little action you won't be disappointed if you know what I mean."

Pervert I thought.

"She's nothing but an unwanted problem. Take the brat if you want her just let me go!"

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