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  "Huh? Where am I?" I pick my head up from the hard concrete floor, I look around at my surroundings as the memories flood back in.

"Oh right...I must have dosed off..." I quietly sulk back.

"I wonder if Pagans coming for me..." I bring my arms around my knees and hug myself, letting my head fall down in the process.

   So quiet is the prison, Giving off the impression that I'm the only prisoner.
That realization itself brings a overwhelming uneasiness, dread and loneliness that I had not noticed before. As I begin to lose myself in my pessimistic thoughts, Sharp, loud noises Come from outside the small window above me.

"I wonder what that is?" I mumble, I pick myself up from the ground and peek through the window bars. When I manage to peek through I now am able to identify what the strange noises are.


My eyes widen in surprise and relief as I squint to see a familiar pink suited man in the distance. However due to the cold snowy fog, I am unable to make out other figures in the mist.

  "PAGAN!" I scream out through the bars,

"I'M OVER HERE, PAGAN!" I scream again hoping to catch his attention.

"Y/N?!" I hear a voice Shout through the bars, and I can see a approaching figure.

"Rest easy my dear Y/N, soon I'll break you away from this horrible hovel and we can be on our way back Home." I see his face through the bars giving me a warm smile through the cold.

"Alright, Hurry." I say gently with a returned smile.

I hear gunshots cutting through the silence as Pagan runs back off into the mist. I turn and fall down onto the floor and close my heavy eyelids.

"Y/N?" I hear a voice whisper. My body jumps up and my eyes open quickly with surprise.

"Pagan?" I say, confused.

"No. It's me, Ajay." My eyes widen once again as I stand back up to meet the gaze of my brother.

(If you Have - 4 Ajays Affection)

"You" I hiss, walking up to the cell door.

"Y/N, it's not what you think." Ajay begins to explain but my emotions start to boil as I recall Ajays betray.

"I ran to you and you let me be taken!" I whisper/shout.

"Look Y/N, I didn't know the Golden Path had taken you, but I promise it was just to protect you!" He says

"Protect me? You think keeping me in this jail cell, with that creepy jailor, is protecting me?" I hiss

"You weren't going to come on you own so, they had to get you. And the jailor wouldn't have done anything. Pagans the one who is dangerous-"

"Dangerous?! He's been nothing but good to me since you abandoned me! I think the golden path has proved to be far more dangerous than Pagan!"

"You really think Pagan is such a Saint don't you?! Alright let's see then, let me show you how much of a saint Pagan really is!" Ajay brings up a key from the pocket of his jacket as he unlocks the jail door.
I hesitantly walk out the door,

"Follow me." Ajay says already walking away, and I follow behind with confusion, curiosity and my remaining anger.


(If you have -8 Ajays affection)

"I texted you and I ran up to you and both times you left me!" I run up to the jail door and I shake the bars.

"What could i do huh? You don't trust the Golden Path, it's like a insult to me."

"Insult? You're ridiculous! So, what are you doing here now huh? What kind of brother abandons his little sister?"

"Hmp." He scoffs and looks away,

"What?" I hiss back,

"You still think that huh? After all this?"
He says bringing up his gaze towards me.

"I thought I did...but now..." I bring my head down it thought and follow up by saying,

"You really do belong to the Golden Path Ajay,
Son of Mohan." I say with venom.

"Tsk, You know your beginning to resemble pagan, Y/N. So allow me to show you where you loyalty lays." Ajay opens the cell door and steps back.

"Hah, What? Now you want to be a good
brother?" I say mockingly, Ajay though chooses to ignore me and he walks away.

"Where are you going Coward?" I hiss,

"Tsk, Follow me." He says, I follow behind out of curiosity. Spite and bitterness filling my emotions and thoughts to its brim. As I walk behind I fight the urge to strangle Ajays vulnerable neck.

- 2 sanity
- 2 Ajays affection

(If you have +0 or higher Ajays affection)

"Ajay? What are you doing here?" I say with a shocked and curious expression.

"I've come to get you! I think Pagan must have locked you here, I'm with the Golden Path to come save you!" He says motioning towards himself through the bars.

"What? Why would he do that? Pagan is here to rescue me." I say with skepticism.

"I don't know, Maybe he knew how valuable you are to the Golden Path and decided to lock you up here." He says looking side to side.

I look at him with a doubtful expression,
"How am I supposed to believe you?" I say.

"Are you really asking me that? I'm your brother!" He says

"Are you though..." I mutter, Ajay gives me a furrowed brow,

"Come with me if you don't believe me, Ill Show you What Pagan is capable of." He pulls out a key from his jacket and unlocks the jail door. (If you still have the chains on, he unlocks them) Then he motions for me to follow. I follow behind him unsure of what else to do,

"Thank you, for coming to get me." I say in an almost whisper,

"Of course." I almost hear a sense of guilt in his voice but I disregard it thinking that I'm imaging things. With that though I Regain a small amount of hope in my brother.

+2 Ajay affection
+ 4 sanity

Alright that's all for today! BTW the Ajays affection goes both ways between Ajay and the reader. If you have a high Ajay affection you may get the Ajay ending or just an ending where you don't hate each other. If you have a negative Ajay affection well...
Also I'm going on a 2 week vacation starting on Tuesday and I don't know if the place I am staying at will have wifi or not so, I might not post. However I will most likely be writing during it so, when i do return I'll post them Right away. Also thank you to my new follower! I have 2 now! :D I hope you will enjoy the stories I will be posting! So till next time, enjoy reading!

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