(Note) Story, Choice, and Characteristics

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    Alright, so this is a bit of an important authors note involving the story.
  Recently I have added the ability of choice, which allows the reader to make a choice that will overall effect what you will read in the story's chapters.

  However, now I have added such things like + and - on certain choices the reader makes. Certain choices will now have these effects and depending on how much in total you have, will determine your true ending.

• sanity- depending on your readers level of sanity will determine if you will have a sane or insane point of view and ending.

• compassion- This stands for the
compassion you have on Kyrats citizens. Depending on the level of compassion you have for them will determine how you view them and your ending regarding them.

• affection- this is the affection of not just Pagan but for all main characters as well. If you have high affection for certain characters this will influence how they interact with you and your ending.

• bravery- this determines your bravery. How your reader will react depending on the situation they are in.

These are it for now unless I add more characteristics for your reader to build up.
Here is an example if you are confused:
Let's say you make a choice and next to it is a +2 bravery this will add to you total of bravery unless the choice you make ends with a -2 bravery, now you have two less than you did before. If you are at a choice and the requirement are (for example) +10 but you only have 2 to your total, your reader is not meant to be in that story line (of course however you could read it any ways, it's just not supposed to happen) but if you do have the requirement for it, your reader does indeed belong in that stories chapter.
  If This too much for you, and you can't be bothered, you could just read through the chapters normality but it won't be as fun.
That's it and thank you for continuing to read, till next time.

Also if you have any question feel free to comment and I will answer, if you have suggestions for characteristics leave those in the comments as well because I might just add it to the story!

Far Cry 4: Pagan X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang