Part Twenty Eight: Step Father

Start from the beginning

"Prim is going to the dance next week with a boy." My mom jerks the wheel and everyone is sent to the right, then she goes back to driving straight.

"Mom calm down. I will go too and watch them." I say.

"You better watch her then." She says but I can tell she is still stiff. I ignore it. We keep driving and I'm suddenly excited to be in my house again. But when we are about to turn down my road, mom goes left instead of right.

"Mom! Did you tell her?" Prim wails.

"I thought you did."

"Tell me what?"

"We moved."


"Yeah, like a Month ago. Oh it's a beautiful house Katniss." Prim sounds so excited to tell me this that I can't break her spirit. I smile but I feel upset knowing the house that I grew up in, the house my dad once hated with us, is no longer ours. We keep driving and we get to a surprisingly rich section. When did this happen? When did we suddenly become part of the upper class? I don't know. We go and we end up on the top of a hill. With a beautiful White House with 4 large pillars in the front. The door is at least 15 feet high and there are so many windows. It looks like a house a movie star would live in. But we aren't movie stars. Mom drives to the side of the house where there is a garage attached to the house. She opens all three doors an I see another car parked there. The SUV behind us parks and so do we. We aren't rich this isn't right. We leave the cars an nod I have Gale to worry about. Everyone walks inside but he holds me back.

"Hey." He says.


"I missed you Katniss." He holds my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"I missed you too. Of course." I say. "Uh, holy cow! Look!" I tell pointing behind him. He lets me go and I run inside. That was close. I miss the closeness of someone but I don't really want to kiss anybody right now. I sigh as the door shuts behind me, but I see a lot of eyes on me.

"What?" I ask.

"Katniss, we want you to meet someone." Haymitch says. They all move out of the way so I can see my mother holding the hand of a a bigger man. Not to big. He has some hair missing but not a lot, and he is probably only 2 inches taller than me.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Katniss, this is Plutarch Heavensbee. This is his home."

"Why are we in his home?"

"Well, Plutarch is my Fiancé Katniss." I have to take a minute to let that process. My mother is engaged? Are you kidding me!?

"What!?" I roar and everyone looks at me. "No, no this can't be real! No! He's not my dad! My dad is dead I don't want another one!" Everyone looks shocked at what if said but Plutarch just watches me. Unaffected. As though he is used to this.

"Mom! You told me you would never love anyone except dad! How could you?" I didn't even notice the tears running down my face. Maybe that's just something that automatically start happening when I talk about dad.

"Katniss please just, calm down-" prim starts saying.

"I can't! And I won't." I turn for the door and I run out, clutching my bag tightly. I run passed Gale but I stop when I hear his voice.

"Katniss, what's wrong?" He asks.

"What do you think." I snap. He has to know about Plutarch.

"Katniss having a step dad isn't so bad."

"Bullshit! I remembered you when you mom said she was getting married again. You spent 2 weeks at our house, everyday I had to talk you into going back home. We went hunting and you freaked out everytime, yelling a lot of things."

"That was different Katniss. Tony was useless. He had no job and he couldn't support our family. All he would have been was another mouth to feed. But he got his act together and now we are sitting pretty well. And he made my mom happy again."

"It is NOT different. I'm still getting a new dad that I don't want."

"Katniss just give him a chance. It won't be that bad."

"No." I snap. I take off running again. Gale runs after me, calling my name, but I'm smaller than him so I'm a lot of faster. I run a long distance because I end up at my house. Not that mission Prim and my mother have decided is a better home, but the building my dad shared with me. I go inside, seeing no one lives here anyways. All the furniture is gone. Everything. It's just a bare house. But I swear if mom threw it away. I run to the. Loser of my bedroom and I find it gone. My dad's hunting jacket and the mockingjay pin he gave me. It has to be at Plutarch's house. If it's not I will personally kill my mom. I start for the front door, but someone opens it.

"Katniss?" Plutarch says.

"What." I snap. I don't have anything against him personally I'm sure he's a great guy, but I have a lot against him being my step dad.

"Well hello to you too." He says.

"I turn around, facing the opposite direction of him.

"I didn't even get to say 2 words to you and you already hate me."

"I don't hate you."

"Well you sure don't like me." He says

"I just don't like the idea of having a step father. Did my mother or sister tell you how very close I was to my dad?" I ask.

"They did. They said you two did everything together. You would go hunting and stay up all night talking." I nod.

"I know why it's like to have a special daughter and father relationship. Me and Prim have been getting very close since they moved in."

"Prim barely remembers my dad. If she did she wouldn't be happy about this." I say.

"But she doesn't remember him."

"Exactly. She doesn't. She is okay with with because she never had a dad. And she wants one."

"And I'm willing to be there for here. She deserves a father and since your real father couldn't-" I cut him off.

"You make it sound like it's his fault. Like he could help running into a burning house. He didn't even think about going back in to get mother and sister out." I snap. It's like he is accusing my dad of dying.

"I'm not saying it's his fault, and it's horrible that this had to happen to him. But Prim needs a dad now. A father figure. I will try my hardest to be the best example I can for her. I would never hurt any of you girls." This relaxes me but I won't let it show instead, I turn to him and put my finger in his face.

"You can marry my mother, you can be our stepfather. But if you step out of place with Prim, then I will slap you into next week got it? Prim is the only reason I wanted to live after my father so I will protect her in everyday possible. She lost her mom for awhile too and I won't have her go through that heartbreak again."

"Katniss you have my word." He says and I lower my finger. I head for the door. Just as I'm walking out, I look over my shoulder.

"One more thing, don't expect me to call you dad. It will be either Plutarch or Mr. Heavensbee." With that said, I walk out.


How was that for a chapter???:) do sorry I haven't updated in three days! Things have been crazy!

So vote and comment. Tell me what you guys think!:) I really really want to know!

I think it's good that I went away from the love in this story for awhile:)

Anyways, comment!!

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