Part Twenty Eight: Step Father

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I feel safe and sound (anyone? Anyone get that? No? K.) when I finally land. I hate flying to be honest. Luckily I didn't have to think much about Peeta because I slept almost the entire flight. I get my carry ins and walk off the plane into the terminal. I stretch, my muscles are stiff from being on the plane so long. And I'm surprisingly still tired, but I have to wait to sleep.

"Katniss!" I hear someone tell behind me. I turn and see Prim running towards me. I drop my bag and catch her. Someone come sup behind her, mom I'm guessing, and waits for me to release Prim. But I haven't seen her in over two months.

"I got an A on my math paper yesterday." She says.

"Great job little duck!" I Finley release her and stand up straight. I don't even have time to look at who is in front of me when someone's lips go crashing into mine. My vision is blurry at first, and I can only look at Prim who has a displeased look on her face. But when I can see well again, I can tell who ism kissing me. Gale. Of course, he doesn't know my decision. He doesn't even know I'm deciding anything I kiss him back but find my first chance I pull away.

"I missed you Katniss." He says hugging me. Then Glimmer, Clove, Annie, Madge, Joanna, Finnick, Narcel, and Cato all surround me. It's a giant group hug in the middle of the airport. And they are crushing me.

"Guys... Can't... Breath..." I choke out and they all release.

"Sorry." Everyone says at the same time. I just start laughing and they do too. We all go out To the cars were I jump in with my mom, uncle Haymiych, Prim, and Madge. We apparently got a new car and I must say I like it. Gale went to the SUV right behind us that fit everyone else. I'm not sure I will survive these next few weeks. I have pretty much decided it's just telling them who. And Gale had no clue I have been deciding anything. I'm not sure how I will break this news to either of them (just letting you know, I'm not dying who she is deciding until she tells them! Suspense!!)

I sit silently while people around me talk. Mom and Uncle Haymitch start talking politics, Madge is on her phone and it sounds like she is talking with her mother. Arguing more like it. And Prim is texting on her phone. I sneak a peak at who she is texting but I can't tell. All I notice is a heart by his name. I nudge her.

"Hey." When I say hey she puts her phone screen down.

"Hey?" She asks.

"Who are you texting there Prim?" She blushes.

"No one. Just... Rue." She stutters horribly.

"Really? Rue has a heart by her name in your contacts?" I smirk. She blushes even more.


"Prim.... Who is he?" I whisper so no one else hears me except her.

"It's Gales brother. Rory." She says.

"Hm... So you like him eh?" Is all I say.

"Yeah, and he likes me. We are going to go to the school dance this week."

"When is that?" I say. She is smilin like a love sick puppy!

"Wednesday. They are having a raffle for one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18." He says really excited. As though I might even go.

"I wild love to come and take pictures of you two."

"Oh well, um, mom doesn't know." She tries to whisper.

"Mom doesn't know what?" My mother asks from the front seat."

"How did you hear that?" I ask.

"Moms have super sonic hearing. I don't know what?"

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