Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I was actually early for school today. Well, there was only one reason I was in early and that was Cole. I didn’t want to miss his face when he came into school because I think my prank would have him pissed off for quite some time. Now it was only few minutes left till the bell but people were still outside. 

Disappointed, I turned to go inside when I heard a series of gasps. I turned around and my eyes widened in shock. I didn’t think he would actually do it but here he is! There was a crowd now and everything was silent. Cole’s face was livid as he got out the car and slammed his door shut making everyone wince at the sound. Boy was he pissed. I felt sorry. No, not for Cole but for the car. I mean he did drive a gorgeous black Range Rover and right now it looked like it had snowed on it.

Confused? Well, last night Ali arranged for some people who I didn’t know and we all went to Cole’s house. His car was parked in the driveway and the lights on the porch were off. Making our way to the car, we got to work. This time, luck was on my side because it was the perfect weather for my prank; cold and chilly. Dipping cotton wool balls in water, we stuck it on his car. After about half an hour, I was tired. “Finish the work boys.” And with that, Ali and I went home. What I didn’t realise was that the boys would actually take it seriously. His black Range Rover was now covered in white cotton wool. The cool temperature had made sure that the cotton wool would stick to his car. You could see some of his attempts to take ‘em off but I think he probably gave up seeing as he would have to wash his car with warm water to take it all out. Seeing as he is almost late, I would say he didn’t have time.

Across the crowd, I caught Ali’s eyes and her usual composed face was humorous and I think mines probably mirrored hers because she gave me a wide smile. I inconspicuously winked at her before making my way to class.

In Calculus, I think you could feel the tension in the air; it was like everyone was waiting for Cole to snap any minute. Barbie was the only one who hadn’t caught on, I think. She was still her smug confident self. And English was the same. I didn’t dare look at him, afraid that I might start laughing in his face. He had his fists clenched on the table and every now and then he would mutter something I couldn’t hear. As the bell rang, I made my way out leaving him to his thoughts.

I was currently depositing my stuff in my locker when I felt a presence behind me. Great, if it was Barbie again…


I was surprised to see him so I kept silent waiting for him to state why he was currently standing in my way.

“We need to meet up more than on a Sunday to finish the work.”

What? Meet up more when once a week was useless? I think it showed on my face because he continued, “You’re right. We won’t finish on time if we do it once a week and what with you always arguing over the work, I think we’ll probably benefit from it.”

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. But wait, hold on a second. Did he say I always argue over the work? “Excuse me? Me? What about you? You’re the one who always disagrees on whatever I say and then doesn’t do any of the work either!” I exclaimed in disbelief. He took a step closer to me. Thank god the hallways were empty because if someone saw us, it could be mistaken. What I didn’t expect was for his close proximity to have an effect on me because currently his breath fanned my face and he smelt amazing. And his eyes. Oh god his eyes… my thoughts were interrupted by a sharp voice.


Both of us winced at her voice and Cole took a step back allowing me to think properly. Just then Nicole reached us. She gave me a death glare and turned to Cole. “Why are you talking to the Freak?” she demanded.

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