Chapter 6

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“Yes!” I yelled exasperated.

“No.” Cole just looked bored at our argument. You see it was Sunday and I was at his house, in his room, on the floor trying to plan the report. His house was the typical rich house, almost as big as mine and his room was a typical male room but surprisingly clean. We were having an argument about the report and clearly we both disagreed with each other.

I was irritated now because all he had done was just sit there and argue with anything and everything that I came up with but he himself wouldn’t give me any ideas or tell me what was wrong with mines.

“Look, can we just continue this next time? We have quite a while left to finish it and I’m heading out with Nicole.”

I looked at him incredulously. I mean he was ditching me for Barbie? Wait, who am I kidding? Of course he would! I should’ve known from the beginning.

“We have had to actually done something in order for us to continue it the next time. Plus who knows, the next time you might bail on me again and before we know it, it will be deadline day and we won’t have done anything… then I would get a fail and I seriously cannot afford to!” I took a deep breath and looked at Cole to see he was looking at me like I had grown another head. I just sighed and packed all my things and made my way to his door without another word.

“Look,” I heard him call and I stopped at his door. I interrupted him before he could continue.

“You need to get your priorities sorted.” With that I dashed away from him and out the house. If he thought hooking up with Barbie was more important than doing this project then he really was twisted. I mean who would pick their project, which would practically dictate what grade you get and in turn lead to decide whether you would be working as a CEO of some company or stacking shelves in Walmart.


I am ignoring Cole. I was currently focusing on my pen swiftly moving on my paper and I could feel his gaze boring into the side of my face. It was getting distracting and I almost called him out on it but refrained from doing so. I was now slightly squirming uncomfortably in my seat. After what seemed like hours, he turned away. Breathing a sigh of relief, I went back to my work.

Something poked me, I think. Shrugging I continued writing when I felt another poke, a more prominent one. My eyebrows furrowed and I looked to my side in time to see Cole poking me. My eyes snapped up to meet his and he was looking slightly amused and irritated at the same time. I just gave him a flat look before going back to ignoring him.

“Are you not going to ask me if you think your ideas are good today?”


I think he was surprised to say the least because it was silent for quite some time.


I stopped writing to see him looking at me questioningly. I just sighed. I don’t think Mr. Big Bad liked this because he snatched my pen from my hand and had his eyes narrowed at me. I snatched the pen back but he roughly pulled it out my hand again.

“Give me my pen back,” I ordered extending my hand.


This time it was my turn to narrow my eyes. “Why?”

He shrugged. “You’re too busy ignoring me to ask for my opinion on this thing. It is my project too, you know.”

“Yes, I know. But I think you made it clear last time that you were going to be no help.”

He sighed deeply which I thought was out of anger. “This isn’t just your project; it’s a group project for a reason. Don’t act like my opinion doesn’t matter because let me tell you, it matters more than yours would.”

I clenched my fists because now he was annoying me. “Then stop being a selfish jerk that only cares about partying and hooking up! Be responsible for once and try to actually listen to my ideas before shooting them down and think twice before bailing on me again!” I almost whisper-yelled. His nostrils flared and I just realised I lashed out on the school’s most popular guy. He probably doesn’t have girls that do anything other than throw themselves at him. The bell rang and I practically ran out the classroom.

Cole’s POV

I stood up slowly, silently fuming at the girl who had the audacity to talk to me like that. Who did she think she was? She called me selfish? Me? Cole Walters? How dare she act like she knew me? How dare she accuse me of things she didn’t know about? When she yelled at me about being responsible, it sort of hit home because my Father would always give me a speech on that.


I closed my eyes to calm myself. I turned slowly to see my girlfriend walking up to me with a smirk on her face, swaying her hips. I rolled my eyes. She could be much prettier if she toned down on that make-up and the whole swaying the hips was a little weird, especially when it was exaggerated. She linked her arms around my neck before kissing me. I pulled back because at the moment I was not in the mood. Nicole frowned but I just ignored her and went to get my lunch.

Turning around, I almost bumped into someone.

“Sorry,” someone muttered. I balanced my tray of food before looking up at the culprit. I cursed inwardly. Of all people it had to be her again.

“Watch where you’re going, Nerd,” I told her coldly. She looked up, probably surprised like I was a few moments ago, before narrowing her eyes at me. I looked down at the Coke in my hand and before thinking twice, I poured it over her head. She gasped and spluttered whilst I smirked widely. The cafeteria was in hysterics by now, all having witnessing the little show.

She looked up at me with still narrowed eyes and it made my smirk falter slightly to see her face calm but her eyes fuming. I expected her to be hurt and probably run to the bathroom crying by now but here she stood, fists clenched at her sides and looking enraged. What shocked me more was she did nothing; instead she silently turned around before calmly walking out the cafeteria.

Nina’s POV

“Watch where you’re going, Nerd.” Out of all people, I had the bad luck of bumping into him. Before I could blink, cool liquid was running down my face. I could hear the people around me laughing and Cole stood with a smirk. Nicole was in hysterics but it seemed overdone to me. I was trying so hard to control myself. I think it shocked him to see me not crying but calmly walking away from him when inside I was anything but. I was livid. I had done nothing wrong to him so how dare he embarrass me in front of the horrible student body?!

I stomped my way out of the school, seeing as there was no point in going back to be a laughing stock. I made my way home and my parents were still at work so I didn’t have to explain to them why I was not in school. I changed out of my now sticky clothes and took a long shower, washing off all the stickiness. Tired, I slumped down on my bed and closed my eyes.

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