12-First Kiss

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Ginny POV

"Stop staring at me like that you know,it's creepy." I say.

Through out the day Harry was with me,I admit it was fun.

When I thought he wasn't looking I would admire his dark features.

His green eyes  would shine with happiness while he talked about his family.

But the way he was looking at me right now was creepy. I walked a little faster to avoid the look here was giving me.

He caught up to me and pulled me into a kiss my eyes widened I stared at him like Waow. I'm not sure if I kissed him back or what but I was really very aware of the fact that my lips are very dry and they were in very bad condition.

I pulled away since I needed to breath "We should go." I said pulling away.


Winter vacation's gone and the Dare is long forgotten,everybody is busy studying for their exams.

Today is our last exam. Well not ask of us lucky 1st and 2nd years are already done with them but we are still suffering.

When they are finally over we meet up with the Griffendors beside the lake.

I know the moment they are in sight since the first person I see is Harry, I still remember my first kiss,I had shared it with him the way his lips felt on mine the way his soft hair felt between my finger.

It's Draco who bhought me back to earth "Oh wow that so early thank you for gracing us with your presence Your Highness." He said with sarcastic bow.

I roll my eyes I have no idea what has gotten into this idiot but recently he is being lot more sarcastic than he usually is.

"Hi," Harry greeted awkwardly.

"Hi," I replied.

The rest of them stared at us like 'Really.'

"Hey you both still dating." Hannah bhought up. (I won't be surprised if you forgot but she is Harry's little sister)

Can I kill you Hannah? I glared at her and noticed Harry doing the same which made her shrink.

Draco rolled his eyes "Alright love birds we will give you time alone later Okay? For now have some patience."

I didn't really participate in thier conversation only pretended to listen since I was pissed."

Hey you coming or not." I hadn't noticed before but others had already gone ahead and Harry was offering his hand to help me get up and I took it.

"So... What's your plan now that you're leaving Hogwarts."

"I plan on becoming an Aurour when I leave so I'll go for training I guess."

"Lucky you leaving school already while I'm still stuck here."

He laughed "Actually I think you are lucky since you can still have fun, while we are gonna have go through harsh training and would have to face the real world."

We talk about stuff like that and other random things, unconsciously I flow him and we end up front of the fat lady do we realise, actually we don't until we hear her scream.

"How dare you show a non-griffendor our location–" She started but I cut her off.

I rolled my eyes,"Oh please,Fat Lady I knew that this is where you lived before Harry accidentally showed me your location. So, quit your whining. " I bid Harry Good Night and headed towards Slytherins common room.

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