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A|N: Please correct me if quidditch spelling is wrong or tell me if it's correct.

Third Person's POV

The crowd cheered as the Griffindors came, there were a few Boos but they were muffled and ignored by the cheers. The crowd as the Slytherins came, there were a few Boos but they were again muffled and ignored by the cheers.

"I wonder if Ginny is going to get the snitch or Harry" Hermonie wondered.

"Shut up and watch if you want to  know."someone replied to her.

The Quidditch field was covered with snow, this whould be the last match of the year and the last match Harry, Ron and  Dean were going to play as they wanted to become Aurours and Hermonie wanted become a Professor in Hogwarts but was Confused between Muggle studies and Transfiguration.

Harry and Ginny shook hands smirking at each other silently challenging each other. Ginny  became the Quidditch Captain in her 5th year the same year as Harry thanks to her skills and–even if she didn't know about it–due to Draco and his Dad.

Ask the players took off Madame Hooch's whistle blew. The Bludger tried to hit Harry but he was saved by Dean. Colin Scored 30 points.

Slytherin was 10 points ahead of Griffindor  when Ginny spotted the snitch, looking at her Harry knew that she had spotted it.

Ron saved the Slytherins from scoring 10 more points as Luna said "The Weaslys seem to be born Quidditch Players non of them left Hogwarts without joining the team excluding Percy the Perfect of'course. And Colin scores 10 more points for Griffindor. And both Slytherins and Griffindors have the same score."

Both Harry and Ginny were side by side reaching for the snitch, Harry's right hand extended and Ginny's left.

Harry tried to take it from the above while Ginny tried from the the below both missed, they tried again and caught it together, and crashed on the snow covered ground.

"Looks like the match is draw this is the first time in the Quidditch history that a Quidditch match ended draw after the Christmas holidays there will be a rematch."Luna said into the microphone.

Ginny was on top of Harry and Harry lay on his back, they were starting at each other as if in trance which broke when their teammates started to land.

Ginny got up and pulled him up by the hand she was holding the snitch and in directly his hand.

"You did well."

"You weren't bad yourself."

Suddenly they were aware of the fact that they were holding hands with their snitch hand and Ginny pulled away letting Harry keep the snitch. And they decided to go with their teammates.

Once in the locker room Ginny asked everyone to come to the ground after changing and headed for the girls section, being the only girl in the team she changed silently.

Harry once in the locker room didn't bother hide the fact that he was angry, he punched the beside him making everybody's attention turn to him.

"I want everybody on the ground in two minutes."

"But it's freezing out there" somebody complained.

"I DON'T CARE. I want everybody on the ground in two minutes."Harry Yelled.

Everybody hurried since they had never seen Harry angry.

Two minutes later when everybody was on the ground and Harry was going to stand on front of these he noticed Ginny stabbing on the other side of the ground.

"Alright then why do you think I'm so angry?"Harry asked.

"No idea!"somebody mumbled.

"NO IDEA! Don't you dare give me that I don't think I whould have been this angry if we had lost. It was a draw and that's not something to proud of we could have won if we had gotten 10 more points or-"he looked pointedly at Ron and said "-had not let them get 10 more points. So I want you to practice everyday in the vacation is it clear."Harry finshed.

"Yes it is."they all said in unison.

Everybody headed for the common room when Ron noticed Ginny on the other side the ground lecturing her teammates and sneaks up behind them hoping nobody notices.

"-so all I ask you guys for is-" "hmm..." "-that you guy practice more-" "hmm..." "-as we have a rematch with the Griffindors-" "hmm..." "-after the vacation." "hmm..." "Who's that?" Ginny finally snaps irritated.

"Hmm...-"Ron said getting everybody's attention "-you know Harry said much of the same thing to us while ago."

Ginny turned red from anger "RONALD WEASLY get out of her right now or all my teammates are kick you till you won't be able to walk."

Ron winced and started to go but in slow pace and Ginny Roared "NOW" and he ran getting a few snickers from the Slytherins and Ginny sighed.

[A|N: Guys hope you liked it and guess what I gave you not 1,not 2, but 3 chapters straight in a month and there's a reason for it.

Vote and Comment:-);-):-P:-D]

850 words

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