On The Way To The Academy

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You're supposed to listen to the song while reading. 😌 K? Dats what I do with all videos, unless they not songs.

Hyuuga Mansion Hinata POV

"Hinata, it's time to get up, you don't want to be late for your first day at the academy, do you?" Asked my mother, Hatali. As I wearily got up I took in her appearance.  She has long black hair that is in a plait, she has cornflower blue eyes and pale skin. She's also pregnant. (That's Hannabi she's pregnant with. For those of you who didn't get the idea.)

I got out of bed and got changed, Mum told me to take a shower this afternoon after training, my Mum then helped me get dressed into my ninja outfit. It's a big silver snow jacket, a netted shirt with a purple nin shirt and a pair of dark purple nin pants.

I then went downstairs to the Hyuuga dining room, where the chef would serve us breakfast. When I got there almost everyone else was already there, from my father to Neji (my prodigal cousin) to my father's sister-in-law, Galli. She was Neji's Mum.

Silently I took my designated seat near the front of the long table, because I was the Heiress. Meaning I'll take over when the time comes, but everyone says it should be Neji, as the Heir, because he's stronger. I find it makes me feel pathetic, but I really don't want to tell anyone because that might prove their point. So I ignore it.

After a breakfast of fruit salad and toast I excuse myself to thank the chef, Histu, but as usual he smiles and says it's no problem. Then he wished me luck at my first day of the academy.

I began to the academy with my Mum, but stopped when I saw a pink haired girl, long hair in a high ponytail, wearing  baggy black nin pants with a fishnet shirt as well as a Chinese-style red shirt, dragging along two boys. One was wearing a long coat with sunglasses, the other a hooded snow jacket, like my own and nin pants. The funny thing was one of the boy's mothers was going around taking photos and laughing, but the girl didn't care!
The Konoha Ninja Academy Kiba's POV

It is the first day of the the ninja academy, and I'm literally getting dragged there. I'm not really worried about it because that's how the three of us roll. Four if you include my Mum who is making sure we know the way. She just didn't know that Sakura had taken care of all that. Haruno, Sakura is my best friend along with Abrume, Shino. She (Sakura) was currently dragging me and Shino to the academy by the hand. Apparently it's really funny  'cause my Mum's just laughing at it all and taking pictures. Not that we care.

We met her when I lost Akamaru and she brought him home...

****Le Cue Le Flashback****
I was four (they're six now) and walking around Konoha looking for Akamaru. Neither Hana or Mum were with me because I was just mention to be at the park. I didn't want to tell them that I had lost Akamaru 'cause I would. E in trouble... so I was walking around, looking for him.

I was just a out to give up when I heard many voices say things like "Why do you have pink hair, freak?", "She's probably not human with a forehead like that!! *laughing*" and  "Look she's trying to protect the mangy mutt!" There was heaps more worse comment made, so Kiba went to see what they were pointing fingers at.

Carefully Ifollowed the voices to ten metres away, downhill and he saw was much more than pointing fingers.

When I got there a crowd of kids, from his age to ten all crowded around this small girl, who looked my age. The girl had pink hair. And a large forehead. The kids were kicking at her and throwing goth rocks and insults at her. She was bleeding and her body was curled around a small, white dog that was covered in the girls blood. Kiba recognised it as Akamaru.

Seeing how the girl and Akamaru were being treated I walked up to the group, wanting to stop it. The girl heard me approaching and looked up at me wearily with dull Viridian orbs, as if expecting me to join in. I walked through  the crowd slowly pushing to the front, and when got there picked the girl up bridal style, (she was holding Akamaru) and slowly began to carry her to the main road, where  I was sure someone would help  me take her to the Inuzuka Vet, so Hana could look at her wounds. (She knows a fair few medical jutsus.)

The girl fell asleep within a minute of being picked up. I wasn't too sure whether that was good or bad so I walked faster.

When I got to the road  I lay Sakura down and went around asking people for help. Almost all of them said they were busy or the didn't believe me. I then saw a man in sunglasses and a long coat with a kid my age next to him, wearing the same thing. I went asked him for help, at first he refused but, then the kid noticed I kept looking back to where I put the girl.

The kid said "I'll help you, a and I'm Abrume, Shino. This is my father, Abrume, Mishno."

Shino and I ran over to where I put the pink-haired girl and Akamaru, Mishno in tow, and they both looked shocked when they saw her, with blood and cuts and dirt all over her.

Mishno then picked her up while I held onto Akamaru, and followed my directions to my family's veterinarian hospital. Mishno was slightly confused as to why they were going to the vet until I told him I was an Inuzuka and my sister Hans (let's say she's fifteen) knew some medical jutsus, but decided to become a civilian vet.

We went inside and the receptionist saw us and the girl and got Hana instantly. Mishno, Shino and I got to know and talk to each other as we waited. (Mishno and Shino stayed due to feeling responsible for her.)

****Le Cue Le Timeskip**** Two Hours****

The girl came in, the worst of her cuts healed and the rest bandaged.  She shyly waved at us, still scared of us even though we helped her. Then she spoke something so softly, that even I couldn't hear her.

"Can you please speak up?" Asked Shino.

"I am Haruno, Sakura. Thank you for helping me." She said, still softly but so that we could all hear her.

"I'm Inuzuka, Kiba" me

"Abrume, Shino" um... Shino

"Hi, I'm Inuzuka, Hana" Hana.

"And I'm Abrume, Mishno, head of the Abrume clan." Mr I'll make this about me a bit.

And thus, a friendship was born. (That line is so overused, but anyway.)

****Le End Mr Flashbacky****

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the dragging of Sakura stopping. I looked up to see her talking to a girl with pearl-like eyes and a bob of purple-black hair.

I think that's enough of a chappie to appease you who read it. Anyway I'm not going to deliberately reveal the pairings. Tell me how it isssssss. I need to know!! Why? This is only my third story and, not many people have read my other stories. Only one. And that's lonelydumpling. For you, Gaara  will become more important in this story. Cause I know how much you like him.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 But, this will not be a Gaasaku story.

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