15. Published

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"Can I ask you for a huge favor?" I asked Trey as I sealed the envelope.


"I've gotta get to an event but I want this to get to TJ. The address is on the envelope." I handed it to him.

"Maybe she'll realize she likes me more," Trey joked, grabbing his car keys.

"I'll kill you. Don't steal my girl."

"Oh, she's your girl? I'll leave her alone then. Do you want me to meet you at this event?"

"That'd be great. Take your time, though."



Right in the middle of my Netflix binging, the doorbell rang causing me to pause the very low budget movie I was watching. I have way too much time on my hands. I hurried to answer the door and gasped when I realized who it was.

Bright eyes, pierced ears and that gold chain his dad gave him before he passed. That's Trey.

"What are you doing here?" I inquired, instantly fearing for my life.

"Wait. You're with Drake?" he asked, his eyebrows shooting up.

"Yeah. What are you doing here?" I repeated trying to keep my voice steady.

"I'm Drake's assistant and he told me to give this to you." He showed me an envelope.

"I don't trust you," I said, blatantly.

"I don't trust you either."

"I didn't do anything to you!" I cried, my nerves turning into anger.

"You ruined my life."

"You ruined my life! You were a liar and a hypocrite. You turned everyone against me!"

"As if you didn't deserve it!"

"You're the one who hit me!"

"Again...as if you didn't deserve it," he repeated. "I'm pretty sure you'll ruin Drake's life too."

"Did he send you here just to torture me?"

"Maybe he did."

"Tell him that he can keep his letter."

I slammed the door before Trey could get another word out. Aubrey couldn't've done this to me on purpose. I've told him so many times that Trey is my least favorite person yet he sends him to my house to deliver one of his little love letters. I needed to talk to Aubrey about this situation but I was still shaken up about Trey showing up at my door. I turned off my TV and got in my bed. Sleep wasn't even close to overtaking my body but the thought of it was relaxing.



Erin interrupted my conversation with Natalie as she strutted down the stairs. She had a magazine in her hand and a humongous smile on her face. She probably ruined another life.

"I just thought you should have this," Erin said handing me the magazine. Aubrey's wonderful self blessed the cover. "Your article is on page thirty-three."

I flipped through the pages looking for my article. Monty's words about Erin being a filthy liar echoed in my head as I finally found page thirty-three.

My eyes scanned over the words on the pages and I was relieved to find that she really did publish the good article. I almost cried at the thought of Erin being nice.

"I'm very proud of your work, TJ. Very proud," Erin acknowledged with a sincere nod.

"Thank you so much," I said admiring the other beautiful photos of Aubrey.

"Enjoy." Erin gave me one last nod before going back upstairs.

"Well?" Natalie began. "How'd it turn out?"

"She published the nice article! It looks amazing, Natalie. I can't believe I got published. It's a dream come true," I gushed showing Natalie the glossy pages of the magazine.

"I'm so happy for you! I'm buying myself a copy when I get off work. I can't wait to read it!" she said handing me my copy.

I took it back with pride looking over the words one last time to make sure this was real. To my surprise, the nice article was still there after pinching myself nearly a million times. Monty would be so happy and Aubrey will be all mine. I could already feel my hand in his.

Maybe I'll tell him about the original article. Maybe he won't be mad at me.

What if he is? What do I say?

I decided not to say anything about the mean article yet because that decision needs more thought. I don't want to ruin my chance with Drake. That's a once in a lifetime opportunity.

At around noon, I got a call from Natalie telling me that Aubrey wants to come up to my office. I accepted. I couldn't wait to see him and hear what he had to say about the article. He probably loves it.

He entered with the angriest look I've ever seen. I don't think this will end well for me.

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