9. Hype

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"Your friend seems nice," Aubrey said a little while after we left. "He's from California?"

"Yeah. He moved here after seventh grade."

"Cool. He writes too?"


"Nice. Thanks for going out with me, by the way. I thought I'd never go on a real date with you. After the article's finished, we'll be on dates all the time! I can't say that enough," he proclaimed.


His smile was so bright and beautiful I couldn't even look at him. I suddenly remembered that I'd probably break his heart soon.

"Speaking of the article, how's that going?"

"Oh...yeah...it's good," I replied. "Really good."

"I can't wait to read it."

"Me too..."

He smiled at me and turned up the music. Aubrey's voice came from the speakers but I wasn't familiar with the song. He laughed a little and looked at me.

"Haven't heard this one, huh?" he asked.

"No. Is this something new?"

"Yeah. It's confidential so please don't tell anyone," he begged.

"I won't."

"It's for that album coming out in April remember? It's called Views," he explained. "And the song you're listening to is called Hype."

I nodded and continued to listen to the song. This album is going to be so good.

We pulled up at the same restaurant he took me to the last time and valeted the car. Aubrey placed a guiding hand on the small of my back and almost made me have a nervous breakdown. I hate that he makes this so hard.

"I really like that jumpsuit," he said, pulling out my chair. "You look stunning."

"Thank you. Monty insisted that I buy something new for tonight," I said, giggling when I remembered how loud Monty's scream was when he saw this number.

"You spent money on me?" Aubrey asked, sitting down in his chair. "How much?"

"$153.68," I responded.

"Ouch," he cringed. "You didn't have to do that."

"Monty said I have to look good for the 6 god."

"You don't need to spend a fortune on me, TJ. I'm Aubrey to you, remember?"

I nodded and opened my menu. "I remember."

"Don't spend that type of money on me again. Save it," he said.

"Tell that to Monty."

Aubrey smiled and closed his menu. I quickly found an entree to order so I could close my menu too. It's almost scary that I'm falling for him so fast.

"Tell me about writing," Aubrey requested. "Have you published any of your works?"

"I have."

"You should let me read them."

"Um, no," I chuckled.

"Why not? I won't laugh."

"That's not what I'm afraid of. It's just my works are really personal," I explained.

"Do you write fiction?"

"Yeah. Most of my characters have my traits but they're just exaggerated. And the fact that I put myself into a little bit of every story makes it personal. But if you really want to read something, I'll find something for you," I said, thinking about a good story for him to read.

Pray the Fakes Get ExposedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora