5. Falling For You

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Erin the Evil Editor hasn't been here all day. It's only eleven o'clock but everyone is shocked. Basically everyone is taking a two hour lunch. I'm stuck thinking about my "date" with Aubrey and this stupid article.

I don't want to ruin his career but I want my work to be published. The tweaking has been kept to a minimum although I know Erin will eventually want me to write full on lies. When I started working for En Fleek Magazine, I didn't know I'd be destroying the career of the biggest rapper in the world.

"Hey, TJ!" Monty greeted walking into my office. "How's my favorite person?"

"I'm fine. You won't believe what happened to me," I sighed, closing my laptop.

"Tell Monty," he said unpacking his bagged buffet.

"You were right about Aubrey."

Monty's eyes widened as he set down a box of egg rolls. I took in a couple deep breaths to prepare myself for the hugging session that was coming up.

"TJ!" he squealed. "I knew it! I knew it! You're so pretty! There's no way he would be able to resist! And you call him Aubrey! You're way up."

"Yeah, okay," I scoffed. "He should've just asked me out instead of being sneaky about it. At least I got more information for my article."

"He asked you out on a date?!"


Monty wrapped me in a death hug. I could not breathe for 12 seconds. As exciting as that sounded, it made me want to cry all over again. I fought the tears for my friend.

"So...how was it?" Monty asked finally releasing me.

"He doesn't know what 'strictly business' means," I said. "He kissed me."

"Really?! That's great!"

"Monty, you don't get it," I whined. "This wasn't supposed to happen."

"Yes, it was. Write the truth! Erin won't know."

"Yes, she will."

"We haven't seen the Wicked Witch of the Six all day. How much you want to bet she disintegrated when she looked in the mirror this morning?" Monty said.

I tried my best to keep a straight face. "Five dollars."

"Deal," Monty laughed, firmly shaking my hand.

"But I don't want to like him. It makes my job harder."

"TJ, write the truth and quit whining."

I sighed and drummed my nails on my desk. "Don't act like I haven't thought about it."

"Just do it!"

"Monty, you don't get it," I whimpered. I fought the tears as best as I could.

"What do I not get?"

"Everything! Erin has never published anything I've written before and now I get a good topic and this happens. She's giving me a promotion! That's huge! I'll get an office!" I cried.

"You already have an office! The only reason you have this room anyways is because you poked that lip out for Erin and she gave you a job. I had to work to get here and it's not my fault that you can only write spring chic articles," Monty snapped.

"Didn't know you felt that way," I grumbled.

"Sorry," Monty whispered. "That's what a lot of people think. You can have the food. I'm going back to work."

Monty adjusted his glasses and walked out of my office. The office that I didn't work for apparently.

A lot of what Monty said wasn't a lie which depresses me a little. Now I have to prove to everyone that I can write. Even if I have to type wild stories about Drake.
"May I have everyone's attention!" Erin boomed, as she finally strode into the cafeteria at four o'clock.

Monty and I exchanged looks. We thought we would have a peaceful cup of coffee before we left a bit early but now we'll be staying until six as usual.

"TJ Terrell," Erin called.

My heart palpitated when she called my name. Everyone in the area stared at me.

"Why did I see you kissing Drake in the trending topics on social media?" Erin inquired.


"Don't make me embarrass you in front of your coworkers. Explain what that was about," she demanded, crossing her arms.

I love how she stood all the way across the cafeteria so I would have to yell for her to hear me. Monty ran a hand passed his slicked back brown hair.

"Talk," he whispered.

"Um...I tripped and accidentally kissed him," I squeaked.

Monty face palmed.

"May I have a word with you?" she demanded.

I nodded, happy to leave the presence of all these people. I gave Monty a small wave and followed Erin to the longest elevator ride in my life.

"Tell me the truth, TJ. What were you doing with Drake?" Erin asked spinning around in her swivel chair.

"I wanted to meet him so I could conduct another interview and he suggested dinner so that's where we went," I explained.

"And why were you kissing?"

"It just happened! I swear, Erin!" Words were just falling out of my mouth.

"Things like that don't just happen. You need to do your job. Do you hear me?"

"Yes," I mumbled.

"And if I see something like this again...I may or may not fire you. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt," Erin said. "Exit."

I nodded and practically ran out the door. "May or may not fire you" means she will fire me. I cannot afford to lose my job.

When six o'clock rolled around, I really ran out of the building. It felt like Erin was watching my every move. Every time I typed a letter for my article, I wanted to cry.

I unlocked my car and settled down into the driver seat as fast as I could. I wanted to drive off somewhere far away so I didn't have to come back to work. Then again Erin could probably track me down.

My phone rang, disrupting the peace. I have never been so irritated.

Aubrey was calling. I answered for some reason.

"What?" I growled.

"Have you seen-"

"Yes," I interjected. "My boss has me on watch."

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault," he sighed.

Ya think?

"Don't worry about it. Next time if you want to go out on a date, just ask."

The line went quiet. I scolded myself internally for calling him out.

"Thanks for letting me know," he finally said. "But we can't now because I don't want to get you in anymore trouble. Strictly business."

"That's right. We can be friends though."


There was another pause. I could sense his disappointment over the line. My heart went out to him.

"After the article?" he asked.


"On what?"

"On you."

It went quiet again. I felt myself begin to cry. I knew I was beginning to like him too and after the article Aubrey won't even bother to call.

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