12. Chardonnay

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It's been one heck of a day.

To drown my pain, I am laying on my couch under as many blankets as possible with all the lights off. It's soothing.

I cannot believe Monty got fired today. He shouldn't have talked to Erin like that but she needed hear it. At least I have a friend that will stand up for me.

My phone rings and the light nearly blinds me. I've been wallowing in the dark for a half hour and my eyes were not ready for that. Aubrey's calling. I reach out and grab my phone.




"Are you okay?"

"I'm alive."

He laughed and my heart fluttered a little. I think he's the only thing that will make me somewhat happy today.

"Are you really okay, baby?" he asked, sounding serious this time.


"Do you need me?"

"Yes," I whined.

"I'll be there in ten."


He hung up. I dragged myself off the couch, unlocked the door, and got back under the blankets. I wasn't getting up twice.

I drifted off to sleep right when I got back on the couch. Aubrey would wake me up when he got here.

After what felt like three seconds, a knock woke me from my cat nap. I groaned and rubbed my eyes.

"Who is it?" I shouted.

"It's me."

"Door's open."

Aubrey closed the door behind him and chuckled when he stepped into the darkness. "Um, why?"

"Don't ask."

"Can I turn on the lights?"



I don't know why he was still laughing at me. A lot of people sit in the dark after a horrible day.

"I'm gonna turn on the lights."

"Aubrey, don't!"

He did anyway. I think my eyes were melting. His laugh was even louder when he saw me under that mound of blankets.

"What's wrong?" he asked, trying to stop laughing.

"A lot of things."

"How are you gonna drink if you're under all those blankets?" he asked, putting down the wine bottle and two wine glasses.

"I'll figure it out."

"Baby." He smiled and walked over to me. He crouched down to meet my eyes and stroked my cheek a couple times. "Tell me what's wrong."

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