3. Promotion

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Monty and I could not stop giggling about the previous night at work. I put Drake's number in my phone just in case I wanted to call him. I felt I never needed to contact him ever, but I guess it would sound good on any résumé to have Drake's number in my phone.

"I don't know what you're waiting for. Go out with him! He's Drake!" Monty cried for the umpteenth time.

"You know how I feel about boyfriends," I reminded him.

"You're still stuck on Trey?"

"Shush!" I hissed. "We don't talk about him."

"Sorry sorry," he whispered. "But Drake is nice. Right?"

"Yeah. But I don't need anyone."

We turned a corner as the elevator door opened. Monty mumbled some insults under his breath as Erin the Evil Editor stepped out. She smirked as she sauntered toward us, her shoulders back and her caramel legs taking big strides. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest.

"Well well well," she said, adjusting her grip on her binder. "Want to know something funny?"

"Your face," Monty snapped.

Erin snickered and shook her head. She's been known to fire people after doing that.

"Monty, would you leave us alone? And watch your mouth next time."

Monty sighed and gave me a quick side hug. I watched him get inside the elevator and mock Erin behind her back. I smiled.

"I was watching the Raptors game with my husband last night and Drake was there! Cool huh?" she said, sounding happier than usual.

"Yeah," I replied hesitantly.

"Oh! Guess what else? He was sitting with some girl that looked exactly like you! Isn't that weird?"

"Really weird."

"I turned to my husband and I'm like, 'Baby, that looks a lot like TJ from work.' He just shook it off but I kept staring. I'm sure it was just his girlfriend or something...right?"

I nodded.

"Wrong." Her voice switched back to her harsh tone. "You got an interview with Drake."


"So?!" Erin cried. "I don't like Drake. His music is far from decent and it's overrated. He's overrated. The only reason he's buying new cars every day is because kids like you are too brainwashed to see how big of a fake he really is."

"Erin, that's not true," I argued.

"Really? How much you want to bet?"

I sighed and looked at the floor. "Nothing."

"Okay then. Now, I can't let you just waste an interview. You can write an article on him but you should make a few tweaks," she suggested.


"Yeah. Twist the truth just a little," she explained.


"No!" she chuckled. "Tweak. And I know it sounds bad, but we're doing people a favor. He's not who he says he is. You can do that, right?"

I nodded. "Sure."

"Good. Get to work." She gave me a curt nod and walked away, people clearing the path so they wouldn't be death glared.

Back at my desk, I began typing up the article, "tweaking" it along the way. I felt awful to be doing this to Drake after he'd been so nice to me.

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