Babies and Hunters Don't Mix (SPN x fem!reader)

Start from the beginning

"Who wants to color?" A chorus of "Me!" rang out and you sighed in relief. "Okay! Then you need to sit down on the floor quietly while Cas and I find some paper for you to color on." You set Garth down and turned to the very confused angel. "Cas, I need you to fly off somewhere and coloring books and crayons for these kids." He nodded and flew off. You hoped he wouldn't take too long.

Castiel reappeared a moment later with several coloring books and crayons. "Thank you." You got the kids all set up. "Cas, why don't you color with them while I do a little research? Try and figure out how to fix this." Castiel nodded and sat on the floor with the children. "Pie?" Dean asked again. You gave him a smile. "Later, Dean. " He pouted for a second, but went back to his coloring book.

For hours, you looked for a way to turn your friends back into themselves with no luck. Then, something struck you. Crowley! He'd know what to do! "I'm an idiot!" you exclaimed, causing six heads to look at you curiously. "It's not nice to call names, Y/N," Bobby said, "You said not to call people idjits." You blinked rapidly at him for a minute. The little punk was using your own words against you and you had to laugh. "So I did."

Castiel was still looking at you while the kids went back to coloring. "You discovered something?" he asked. You nodded and told him. "I am not certain performing a summoning around the children is a good idea," he said. You sighed and shook your head. "I'm not going to summon him. I'm just going to call him. He may be able to help." Charlie climbed into Castiel's lap, distracting him from whatever he was about to say and you called Crowley.

"Hello, kitten," he answered after the second ring. "Hey, Crowley. I need your help if you have a minute." You had a good rapport with the King of Hell, but he still wasn't always willing to help you. "Why would I help you this time? What is in it for me?" You fought the urge to roll your eyes. "I'll owe you a favor," you replied, exasperated when one of the children started crying again. "Please, Crowley. I'm getting close to desperate here."

You heard his laugh behind you. "What is it with you and Cas?!" you asked, holding your hand over your heart. "Dean, stop that," Castiel made a weak attempt at scolding the older Winchester. Crowley looked over your shoulder to see the crowd of little ones around Castiel. "Is that Squirrel?" You glared at him. "Yes." You turned around and saw Dean reaching for Charlie's red locks. "Don't even think about it, Dean Winchester," you warned, causing Dean's eyes to start watering. In a moment, you had five crying toddlers on your hands.

"I could silence them," Crowley offered, his fingers poised to snap. "NO! They just need a nap." At that last word, the cries got louder. "Yep, definitely nap time," you whispered and then louder said, "Cas?" He was at your side in an instant. "Go to the bedrooms and remove every weapon you can find as well as anything dangerous for a child." He moved to do as you said but you stopped him to add, "Oh! And Dean's magazines..." If Castiel was human, he would have blushed as he left.

A few moments later, all the children were in separate rooms for a nap. "Now, how can I help?" Crowley asked. "Do you know anything about his curse? Anything that can break it?" Crowley thought for moment and then disappeared. "Gee, thanks," you muttered as Castiel rounded the corner with Sam in his arms. "He would not go to sleep, Y/N." You took a deep breath and took Sam from the angel. You laid his head on your shoulder as you began walking around the room, singing quietly.

"I found-" Crowley was cut off by Castiel's "shh." The two watched as you soothed Sam to sleep. Castiel watched in amazement. He didn't think he's ever understand they way humans comfort one another. Crowley looked on in amusement and a bit of awe. There was Moose, falling asleep on your shoulder and then there was you, this formidable hunter, quietly singing a child to sleep.

Once Sam dozed off and was back in bed, you turned to Crowley. "I'm afraid you'll have to wait until the spell wears off," he told you and your shoulders slumped. "Any idea how long?" Crowley shook his head. "Sorry, Darling." You let out what was probably your millionth sigh of the day and looked at the clock. "Well, hopefully they'll nap for an hour or so. Maybe we can take them to the park, Cas. It'll give them something to do." Crowley shook his head again, "Have fun with that." You flashed him a cheeky smile before he felt the familiar metal on his wrists.

"Really?" He shook the demon cuffs and growled. "Yes, really. We need help." He glared at you. "You will regret this, Y/N." You scoffed and said, "Look. I'll owe you two favors. How's that? We're drowning here, Crowley." He groaned but nodded in agreement. "Fine. Shall we seal the deal?" You rolled your eyes. "In your dreams." You decided to go check on the kids. "Every night, kitten!" he called after you. You chuckled to yourself at his flirting before carefully peeking in on all the children. All asleep. For now anyway.

It was different story less than an hour later. All five of them were awake and running down the halls of the bunker. Castiel could fly and catch them, but you and Crowley had to run after them on foot. You were not about to take his cuffs off. You were sure he'd just leave. "Are you certain taking these...heathen to the park is a good idea?" Crowley asked you when you finally caught Charlie for the third time.

"You got a better plan to wear them out?" you asked, hands on your hips. You were done with the day already and it wasn't even five o'clock yet. Crowley looked between you and the five former hunters now running rampant. There was no denying you looked exhausted. Crowley nodded. "Fine. Have our winged friend fly us to the nearest park."

Once they were at the park, all five children took off. "Stay where we can see you!" you called out, almost ready to collapse on the bench next to you. You probably would have if not for little Garth toddling over. "Can you push me?" His little lip was sticking out and you just couldn't say no. You followed him over to the swing and lifted him up into it. As you pushed, you looked around. Dean and Charlie were playing some form of make believe game in the sand box with Cas while Bobby and Sam were fighting for a space on Crowley's lap. The look of confusion and exasperation on Crowley's face made you laugh boisterously.

As you were playing, you lost all track of time until Charlie started crying about being hungry. You got the kids back to the bunker and got them fed. Once they were cleaned up, five little ones started yawning and rubbing their eyes. You sighed happily. Bedtime. "Just help me get them to bed and I'll let you guys go," you whispered to Castiel and Crowley. You got them all to bed and turned back to the angel and demon. "Thanks for your help guys. I don't think I could have done this without you."

You threw your arms are Castiel before he disappeared and then you looked to Crowley. He held up his still-cuffed wrists and quirked a brow. You undid the cuffs and he poofed away as you moved to head into your own room to pass out.

The next morning, you woke up to an unfamiliar weight...well everywhere. You cracked your eyes open and saw four grown hunters and one computer genius in bed with you. Charlie was curled in a fetal position right next to you. Dean and Sam were on the outside, practically falling off the bed. Garth was down by your feet, curled up like a dog and Bobby was half on, half off the end of the bed. "What the hell?!" you shrieked, causing them all the wake up and everyone but Charlie fell off your bed.

"Sorry, Y/N," Sam said, "I think we all crawled into your bed last night." You crossed your arms over your chest. "Clearly. Now get out. You all owe me a day of rest! Castiel and Crowley too!" You'd never seen the five of them move so quickly. They all wore identical looks of fear and respect, even Bobby. They ran from the room and you flopped back down on the bed. The door reopened and you heard Dean say, "I never got my pie yesterday." You groaned and threw a pillow at him. You were ready to sleep for a week. One thing was for certain, babies and hunters do not mix.


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