Chapter 1

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Adrien pov.

I looked out the window of the limo as it pulled in front of the school. Hundreds of students, mostly girls were waiting for me and screaming my name. I was a model and the most popular kid at my school not mention one of the richest. Due to being the son of Gabriel Agreste a famous designer and I was dating the mayor's daughter the prettiest girl in school. Every guy wanted to be me and every girl wanted to date me. When I stepped out of the limo, they surrounded me demanding autographs and other things.

"Leave him alone!" My best friend Nino cried. He was pretty much my only real friend he liked me for me and he would still like me even if I wasn't rich or popular. I watched as he wrestled his way through the crowd.

"Back off! Let the man breathe!" He shouted.

"Nino!" I cried. "Get me out of here." He grabbed me and guided me out of the crowd.

"You okay dude?" Nino asked.

"Yeah thanks man." I said. "Come on let's get to class."

We went to class and sat down.

"Adrien!" The bleach blonde girl was my girlfriend Chloe. She was the mayor's daughter. I've known her forever and she believes that because we're both good looking, popular, and rich naturally we should be together, isn't that great logic? Nino never liked her and I myself didn't like her all that much either but all my life I've been told that to be the best you need good looks and money. So Chloe being the richest and one of the prettiest girls in school I had to date her.

"Uh-oh! Here comes trouble." Nino whispered.

"Hi Chole." I said

"Listen I need you to sign something." She said.


"Yes! I am your girlfriend, don't you wanna make me happy?"

I puffed and signed her poster. She squeaked and went to sit down.

"Good morning class." Ms. Bustier said. "Today we have a new exchange student from Italy. Meet Lila Rossi."

A girl walked into the classroom. She had chestnut brown hair, tan skin, and olive green eyes. She was pretty but not my definition of beauty or perfection or at least not the definition I was taught so she definitely couldn't be my girlfriend in the future. Nevertheless she looked nervous so I gave her my best smile. I could've sworn I saw her eyes change but I assumed it was my imagination. Little did I know that there was more to her than meets the eye.

"Alright everyone, now who can tell me who Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villenuve?" Ms. Bustier asked.

"She was a French author of fairy tales." One girl said..

"And does anyone know what kind of stories she wrote?"

"Didn't she write Beauty and the Beast?" Nino guessed.

"Correct but this version was very different from the movie. You see the prince was actually very kind and caring but an evil sorceress wanted to marry him and when he refused she turned him into a beast. He would remain that way until a beautiful woman fell in love with him. Sometime after that a merchant came to the castle and plucked a rose from his garden as punishment the beast demanded that the merchant send his beautiful and kind-hearted daughter to die in his place."

"Never heard that one." Nino said. "Did he send her to live with him?"

"Yes but when the beast saw how beautiful and selfless he fell so much in love with her that he couldn't bring himself to harm her so he spared her life, treated her like a princess, and every night asked her to marry him. At first she didn't return his feelings but then one day when her father had fallen ill she begged the beast to let her see him. He did but while she was a way she began to miss him so she went back but when she did she discovered that he had died of a broken heart. In tears she promised to love him and marry him if he were to live. The beast was revived, turned back into a prince, and they married."

"How romantic." The girl said.

"Okay class get out your notebooks and start taking notes on the story.


"I'm home father." I said.

"Hello Adrien." He said not paying attention to me as usual.

"Father, are we still going out tonight?"

"No I have a meeting tonight."

"But...but you promised."

"I'm sorry but this is important. I'll make it up to you." He said leaving.

"That's what you always say." I sighed.

My father and I never did have a good relationship, he was always busy with work and hardly ever had time for me or my mother. If there was one thing my old man and I agreed on was that my mother was perfection. She was extraordinarily beautiful and she was a lot more affection and loving than him. When I was a kid she was always there to comfort me when he didn't want me around but when I got older she and him would fight a lot. Then one day he lost his temper and she left, I always hoped that she would come back for me or at least write me but I was wrong.

I remember how she always used to keep a greenhouse full of roses. They were her favorite things in the world she loved them way more than the fancy expensive gifts my father gave her. I never understood why she preferred those over the fancy jewelry my father bought her but it made her happy so I didn't complain. After she left he locked it up and relocated it to another house he owned.

That aside, tomorrow night was the big dance and of course Chloe is my date like she always is and my dad would give me his credit card to buy the needed assets to shut me up.

"Hi Adrien." Lila said.

"Hello Lila."

"Where are you off to?"

"I was just going to eat lunch." She looked like she needed a friend so I decided I'd help her out. "Do you wanna come?"


We went to the cafeteria and sat down with Nino. While we ate, Lila kept staring at me which kind of freaked me out and I really wanted her to stop.

"Adrien?" She said.


"The school dance is this Friday."

"I know."

"And I was wondering...Would you take me?"

It's not that I didn't like Lila, she seemed nice but I just didn't consider her my type also I had Chloe.

"Well I would like to but sadly I already have a date."

"With who?"

"With me." Chloe cried angrily, I forgot how jealous she can get. "Who is this?"

"This is Lila, a new friend of mine." Adrien said.

"Well Lila. I am Adrien's girlfriend so back off!"

"Chloe!" I said.

"And don't even think about stealing him from me!"

"I wasn't I was just-" Lila stuttered.

"Because you're just some loser! A loser that Adrien would never love."

"Chloe! That's enough!" I scolded. She always was a bully and sometimes I would stop her when she went too far but I came too late. Lila burst into tears and ran away crying. I tried to go after her but she was gone. It was almost like she had disappeared.

The very next day at school Chloe came running out of the girls' room screaming like she had been stabbed to death with a knife. Zits and warts covered her face, she had large teeth, bad breath, and a long nose.

"I'm hideous!" She shrieked. "Sabrina! Call Daddy! Tell him to book a major treatment for me at the spa!"

"Whoa...Ugly." Nino said.

"What happened?" Adrien asked.

"I don't know! My face! My beautiful face!"

"Poor Chloe." Lila sounding innocent a little too innocent for my taste. "I wonder what could've happened?"

"Looks like she won't be coming to the dance." I said.

"Does this mean I can be your date?"

"No!" Chloe cried. "I just need a beauty treatment. Adrien! Pick me up and be sure to get me an orchid!"

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