Getting Ready

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It's been two years since the Brotherhood of Evil tried to capture the three special kids who were in Ravens care. the kids are  back, and they've grown!

"Beast Boy, your on food duty, Star and Robin you get toys, furniture, and desks. Cyborg, you set up the obstacle course," Raven gave orders to her team mates.

"I'm on it," said Beast Boy, turning into a pterodactyl, and flying out an open window.

"We shall retrieve the furniture," Starfire said, picking up Robin, and flying out of the same window Beast Boy had just previously flown out of.

"I'm on it," said Cyborg, running off into the training room.

"I'll go to the train station," Raven said.

Now, your probably wondering what all the commotion was about.

Well, the three kids that Raven had took care of two years ago, Melvin, Timmy, and Teether, were coming to stay with the Titans since the temple was destroyed by a hurricane that was caused by the two brothers, Thunder and Lightning who by mistake collided their powers next to the building.

Raven glanced at the clock. the kids' train wouldn't be to Jump City until three more hours, so she decided to clean up to past the time

She started with the Common Room. She grabbed a big trash bag, and stuffed pizza boxes, soda cans, and candy wrappers into the bag. She sat the bag down, and swept. After she was done sweeping, Raven picked the bag up, and went into the kitchen. She cleaned the dishes, wiped the counters, and swept the floor. Raven moved on to the refrigerator, "ugh,mold," she said then cleared the old food out, then wiped it down.

She walked out the kitchen, and through the automatic doors.

She entered Starfire's room. Raven opened the doors and walked into the room. The pink scorched her eyes and made her sweaty. "Why doe's she have to have so much pink?," she said, wiping the sweat of her head and squinching her eyes while putting her hood on to block out the blinding color.

Raven began picking up clothes and shoes, and putting them in the closet neatly. Starfire didn't have any trash scattered, but she did have a garbage bin. Raven took the bag out of it and placed it into the big black bag she was still carrying. She swept the floor and walked out the pink-clad room. Next was Robins room. His room wasn't that bad. Raven cleared his desk,swept the floor and took the full bag out of the red and yellow garbage bin.

Cyborgs room was next. The door swished open as Raven got near it.

"He must have forgot to lock it," Raven thought. She picked up game controllers, tools, and computer CDs. The game controllers went under the tv. The tools went inside a tool box on a work table. The CDs went in a CD holder near the computer. She swept the floor, and emptied the garbage bin. When Raven walked out, she locked the door. She went to her room, and realized it was barely in need of cleaning. All she did was sweep the floor.

And last but not least, Beast Boys room. As Raven walked in, her eyes widened. But not because the place was filthy, but because it was spotless. The floor was swept,  no clothes were scattered, and the garbage bin was empty "He must've kept it clean after I helped him clean it when we did meditation lessons." She walked out, and locked door.

When Raven got to the Common Room, she dumped the black bag into a garbage chute that was recently installed by Cyborg.

She was done. She looked at the clock.

" Two hours left," she muttered.

She sat down and sighed.

Just then, Beast Boy flew into the Common Room as a pterodactyl and set grocery bags on the floor.He shifted back into his normal form and took the bags in the kitchen.

"Groceries, check!," he yelled from the kitchen while putting groceries up.

Cyborg walked into the common room.

"Training room done," he said.

Beast Boy finished putting the groceries up, and sat next to Raven, and Cyborg sat next to Beast Boy.

Cyborg turned on the TV to the news station.

"Hey look, Robin and Star's on TV!"

he said.

In the television, Robin and Starfire were being raided by costumers at the furniture store for autographs. Robin had a look of impatience on his face while Starfire just smiled politely. The two count get anywhere with all the people swarming around them.

"I'll help them," Raven said standing up.

Beast Boy and Cyborgs eyes were glued to the TV.

A black aura surrounded Ravens body as her teleportation spell melted into the floor.


Raven arrived at the furniture store to see Robin and Starfire still at the door being swarmed. Raven levitated to them, dodging the swarm of people.

Starfires smile got bigger.

"Friend Raven, do you wish to assist us in the 'autographing' ?" Starfire asked.

Raven gave her a look.

"No thanks."

She looked at Robin, who looked pained.

"Help us,"

he mouthed.

"Where is the furniture you brought?," Raven asked. Robin pointed to it.

A black aura surrounded the furniture, Starfire, Robin and Raven, then melted into the ground.


Ravens black transportation aura protruded out the floor in the middle of the common room.

"How many autographs did you

get,?"   Beast Boy asked.

"More than enough," said an exhausted Robin.

Starfire wasn't even complaining, frowning or braking a sweat.

"Was not the fans and autographing glorious?," she asked.

"No it wasn't," Robin mumbled so Starfire couldn't hear him. Luckily, she didn't.

"We got an hour left," Raven said to her teammates.

"Place the furniture in the rooms."

Robin carried the chairs and desks, Cyborg carried the toys, Beast Boy carried all the bathroom supplies in the form of a gorilla, and Raven and Starfire carried the mattresses and bed frames to the rooms using their powers. Raven with her telekinesis spell, and Starfire withe her super alien strength.


All the furniture had been put up, and the toys in their rightful places.

"The kids' train should be at the station by now, so I gotta go," Raven said. Once again, Ravens black aura surrounded her, and melted into the ground.

OK my readers, I'm gonna start the next chapter now, so expect it In a few hours.

Later my readers

<(@ ̄︶ ̄@)>

Teen Titans: Solving Problems Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now