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It has been two weeks since Hata's little stunt at HQ, Hata was sitting on his throne, the room around him was recently cleaned and polished by his trusty Svartus, Hata sat slouched in his chair, full of pride he grinned, scratching the arm of his throne with a blade out of driven impatience, his seductive urge for thrill was satisfied, yet he needed more, more, more. He moved in his seat with the annoyance of the pain in his shoulder, Hata had already used darkness to seal the flesh, but there was still a slight burn of pain inside, Hata juggled his past act at Claro HQ in his head, he couldn't stop thinking about how much he wanted to brutalise them, but he knew it was better to slowly eat at their hope, it was more fulfilling that way. Hata had already designed the perfect plan in order to destroy Grasop. This is Hata's game, he doesn't care about the Claro, he just wanted the thrill of annihilating them, Grasop obviously posed him the most interest, if it was possible that Grasop was an Orka, Hata wanted him all to himself.

The Claro were not in the best of mood, thirteen members were now lying lifeless in the catacombs, the lucky ones were in the infirmary recovering, but the flaming sensation from their projectile wounds wasn't settling well. Four members were holding Birta down as Saklus changed the dirty bandages where her living, moving hand used to be, now it was hard not to notice how absent it was. Once the bandages was changed she immediately stumbled to her feet, she hated being in a state of weakness, it dampened not her hope but also everyone's around her.

Grasop was sitting upright, his legs under plain linen, this was the first time anybody except Saklus had saw him without his hood, for someone so sadistic and full of hatred, the fluffy haired blonde lying in his bed had a surprisingly friendly appearance, he was drowning in embarrassment from all the looks that was shot at him like sharp arrowheads, probably why he kept his hood on at all times. Saklus moved from Birta's bed to Grasop's carrying a tray of new equipment, Saklus was probably the best healer in the entire Claro, he treated everybody's wound no matter how horrible it seemed, not only that but he done it quickly and efficiently. "There's no reason for you to be upset" Saklus told him as he sat down beside him and carefully took off the splint around Grasop's leg and prepared a new one, "I'm not upset" in his usual cold tone, Saklus replied with a small smile on his face, "you are also the most terrible liar, anyone could tell you were upset just by looking at your face, get ready" as he applied the new splint. Grasop ignored the previous statement and instead busied himself by putting his finger under his healers chin and examined the now fading bruise that was caused by Hata's crushing grip. "Um, Grasop?.." The shy boy murmured as he slowly took away Grasop's hand. Grasop realising the awkward situation he put himself into in front of everybody, started to flush red under his sky coloured eyes. "Don't tell me that's what your getting all worked up over..", Grasop wanted to say so many things yet it all seemed out of place or weird. "Don't worry about me" Saklus grinned before quickly adding "It's flattering though" and grabbing the tray and quickly slipping away from the bed giggling to myself under his breath. With complete embarrassment Grasop pulled his blanket over him and tried to sleep, suddenly the bloodthirsty killer seemed more like an innocent boy. With Grasop unable to do any actual fighting, any work was going to have to be tackled by Saklus and Birta, even with her amputation she was stubborn enough to do things herself, it wasn't her fighting arm, so as long as she keeps it covered from all attacks and occasionally treats it, she should be fine before finding a more suitable option.

Pulling on their cloaks, Saklus and Birta both prepared to scout in hopes of finding who and where Hata is. Their first plan of action was to track down the two traitors that had killed Simon.

Exploring the world after the collapse was quite the experience, it was quiet, void, yet it still had a form of beauty. There was only wild nature and ruins, as they travelled through the jungles it was hard not to get distracted by the environment, the dark towering trees were touching the vibrant purple sky as the sun was setting, as the Light of the sun slowly escaped the crawling shadows took over creating dark blue surroundings, as the two fighters were skilfully navigating through the treetops of the beautiful wonderland, fireflies softly fluttered around the area, the heavenly moonlight glided down, lighting everything in a perfect white, the moonlight danced and gleamed off the two fighters, illuminating them as if they were sparkling lights, they were glowing in the light with their cloaks dancing with grace behind them like the wings of a bird on a delightful flight, the fireflies were soft little flames who followed the two spirits in the trees leaving a trail of sunlight behind them as they leapt from tree to tree performing spectacular swings and swirls, the yellow sun emblem on their cloaks glowed with reflecting moonlight. Suddenly the plants started to open revealing an array of variant, vibrant colours around them. The treetop tapdancers were surrounded by an array of different reds, blues, yellows and purples. Even Birta was taken back by the the vast amount of lights reflecting off her eyes and shiny hair. They were now within Svartus territory.

Exiting the forest they were now trespassing, they were running along the rooftops, jumping from roof to roof masking themselves as silhouettes in the bright moon behind them. They needed to find the traitors, "They have to be here somewhere as they were hired by Hata to betray us, meaning they would most likely come here to have protection against us. We have the cover of night to find them, they could be anywhere here" whispered Birta, Saklus points to the massive palace to their left, "Hey, do you know who owns that place?, Birta looked with interest "Surely no-" "Hata" Saklus interrupted, "it has to be, with that expensive Svartus armour? The guy is probably a knight", "What about his silver sword?" replied Birta, "What about it? He never used it at all" Saklus said, confused, Birta sighs then says "Oh come on! Everyone knows only Royalty is given a silver sword!" "I didn't kn-" "Either way he is Royalty, a prince or.. Or a King" she said with dread in her voice. "Why on earth would anyone be so stupid as to let him b-" she interrupted again "He's an Orka, stupid, he probably just killed everyone" Saklus with desperation in his voice blurted "Can you please stop inter-" "Nope", she smiled at him "You're cute" she said, with eyes which were bright and shot past her short flowing hair. "T-That has nothing to do with..." He stopped as she walked toward him, she stood right in front with him with, to Saklus, the most terrifying face she has ever made, even at his full height he only reached up to her chin, he was clearly outmatched. She pulled down his hood revealing the long streams of brown hair that ran down his head, his eyes glistened in the moonlight as he looked up at her awaiting her reason for doing such an act during a very important mission. Of course, he didn't get one, "I never got to thank you Saklus, I know I always act harsh and.. Ok, I'm a complete bitch sometimes, I know.. But I will admit, you somehow always managed to cheer me up", Saklus remained silent, he knew where this was going... Her stone cold eyes were replaced with warmth and her angry expression was replaced with a hot pink blush, "Listen Birta, I don't reall-" she interrupted again, but not with words, with her one remaining hand cupped around the back of his head and her lips on his. He flushed bright red and panicked with the uncertainty of what he should do, she finally let him go, he stumbled backwards and pulled up his hood in an admit to hide his shame. She give a devilish smile "Don't be so embarrassed, I won't tell your boycrush anything.." She said with a sense of exhilaration in her voice, "M-My Wha- Who?" He stumbled on his words, caught off guard, "Don't play dumb Saklus.." She moaned "Everyone can clearly tell you go head over heels for Grasop.. You've been that way since you met him.." Birta's response hit Saklus like a hard slap, was it really that obvious? He hasn't really done anything obvious right? "I-I don't.. I don't like Grasop.." He said with his voice trailing off, "Birta.. What is this, why does any of this even matter?" He said in a desperate attempt for either an actual answer or to atleast change the subject. She sighed, "Because I like you, you dimwit, I have tried to make it obvious so many times but you're such a damn airhead", the atmosphere around them was now awkward.. "I don't know, maybe I just wanted to feel it after wanting it for so long, and with Hata coming and..butchering us like dead meat.." She looked down at her missing hand, "Maybe it's because I know we don't stand a chance.." feeling guilt he put his hand on her shoulder "But of course we do! You said yourself, Grasop's an Or-" , she pushed him aside causing him to trip over his own cloak and fall to the ground like a clumsy fool, "You don't even believe that" she coldly spoke, she wasn't lying, he didn't think Grasop was an Orka, but he just wanted to offer some support. She looked down at him with an expression mixed with sorrow and apology, she offered him her hand before regaining her focus, saying "Let's just find those two so we can get back"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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