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Chapter 3- Hallelujah

First day back, after an agonisingly long summer. The only exciting thing, or event worthy of discussion, that happened was the party, and that's one thing I really wouldn't mind forgetting. I regret going all together, never again.

My glasses were pushed up my nose and my hair was, as usual a mop of messy, untamed curls. I was wearing black skinny jeans, the ones from the party were washed and looked kind of cool so I wanted to save them for something, my plaid button up shirt was tucked in on the left of my waist but untucked and unfashionably baggy everywhere else. My school outfit ended with my skinny jeans slipping into my Doc Martens tied loosely with yellow laces. 'Cinderalla'. I shook my head, ridding my mind of the memory. That was something I definitely wanted to forget.

As soon as I pushed open the heavy, metal and glass doors that separated hell from the world of the living. My clumpy boots slapped against the, unusually, polished tiled, floor as I walked, black satchel thumping against my knees with each step. A few people glanced at me, some eyes trained on my pathetic excuse of a person for longer than others, and I had no idea why. Were they judging me? Or staring at me, thinking 'ohmygod, what a freak'?

"Victory! Guess what? Brendon in-directed you last night on Twitter!" Iris squealed, leaping onto my back, almost choking me. As I stumbled, attempting to regain my balance, she wrapped her skinny, bare, legs around my waist and tightened her grip around my neck.

"Too tight." I gasped, she frantically offered several apologies before loosening her grip, I could feel her grin radiating off her face as I leant on a unit of empty lockers, panting for breath.

"Careful, Cinderella." He had remembered what he did. He called me Cinderella. In a mixture of disbelief, astonishment and curiosity, I turned around slowly, supporting Iris's thighs with my hands, to see Brendon strolling down the hallway offering high-fives to students. He was dressed head to toe in a deep, rich red, with an exception for his black button up shirt and polished black shoes. He was wearing a suit, in true Brendon style. His hair was smoothed down, yet he still ran a hand through his perfectly styled hair every few minutes.

"He called you Cinderella! Again!" Iris whisper-yelled, dropping off my back. Her black skater skirt swished from the motion as she landed, her lace crop top riding up slightly exposing her cream bra, the same one from the party.

"Again? Pfft, what do you mean again?" I attempted to play it cool, even though my normally paper white cheeks were sporting a bright, blood red.

"I may have been drunk, but I wasn't fully unconscious, it was cute by the way. See you later." She flicked my hair playfully before skipping down the hallway, towards her other friends I didn't fit in with. And I was alone, which was never good. Cautiously, I made my way down the corridors until I was nearly at my registration room. I thought I had made it safely, but I jinxed myself. Cold hands clenched the back of collar and shoulders, yanking me backwards until my back slammed against the lockers. They were talking- yelling- but I couldn't hear them. As their mouths opened and closed, a few beads of spit flew out, landing on my forearm pinned against my head. A fist was flying towards my face, aimed at my eye, but it was as if everything was happening in slow motion. It kept coming closer and closer until it didn't and the familiar sensation of blood rushing to the afflicted area occurred. Their mouths moved again, they were now red in the face yelling, but I couldn't focus on the words leaving their mouths. All I could focus on was the clock above the boxer's head, seconds ticked by, then minutes, until I couldn't see the clock anymore. The boxer, I vaguely recognised him from the night I couldn't remember, was staring me in the eyes, expressionless. His eyes pierced my soul and my heart began to beat quicker and quicker until it felt like it was going to explode. My chest was tightening up and air began to pass through my lips faster until it stopped. It all stopped.

The boxer was pulled off me and I could see the clock again, a minute had passed. The boxer was being punched, by the one who had beat him at the party.

"Always the damsel in distress, Cinderella." His voice echoed in my head, but I couldn't focus on his face. "You're all good, I promise." Distantly I felt an arm drape across my shoulders, then he began walking, leading me towards registration. I blinked once, twice, then a third time before I came to terms with what just happened.

"Does that dick do that often?" He asked, accompanied by a slightly concerned expression.

"Oh, erm, yeah, before the summer." I stammered, applying pressure to my eye to assess the damage. "Just a black eye, it's fine." I shrugged, glad they hadn't broken anything.

"No, it's not fine. I'm sitting with you all day if I have, so you don't get hurt." He stated, tightening his grip on my shoulder as we rounded a corner, not wanting to be separated.

"Oh, well, okay, I guess." I shrugged once more.

"How'd you get to school?" He asked in attempt to spark a conversation between us.

"Bike." I lied, not wanting him to know I walked from the other side of town because I failed my driving test.

"Mine shrunk, I was trying to chase a girl who walked out my party and I went outside to get my bike to find it way smaller than when I arrived." He chuckled slightly at the thought.

"Did you catch her?" He shook his head.

"I didn't want to waste time by being sad and mopey, so I found someone new."

Who? Did he mean... me? I was the only one he was talking to... and the only one he chased to give shoes. Shit.

"But, surely, being blue is better than being over it, because you learn from your mistakes instead of repeating them."

"Maybe." He pressed his lips together, refraining himself from saying anymore. We reached the plain white door, Brendon pushed past me and entered the room, receiving loud shouts and cheers, as a thanks for the party I guess. Hesitantly I walked into the room, it had plain white walls, desks, stools and a projector and screen but no decorations, at least there was a clock. Upon entrance I realised that Brendon had already settled with his athletic friends, it hurt more than the punch in the face. He had ditched me already. So much for 'looking after' me.

As I sat beside the window in the middle section of the room, not with the nerds nor the jocks, I lost my head to the clouds, repeating the last ten minutes. Everything that just happened with Brendon, he was a fountain of lies, broken promises and hotness. Everybody always said they would be lucky to get their hearts broken by him, but I was never lucky. Only destructive. Why did he act like that in the hallway? Why does he keep calling me his Cinderella? And why did he chase me that night?

I turned around and made eye contact with the boy who confused me the most. Memories from the party flooded my mind, him, him, him- all Brendon. No memories about Iris, nobody else. Just Brendon.

Brendon, who were you trying to be?


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