11.Spongebob or Dora

Start from the beginning

"Molly?" A soft, concerning voice says. Rowan.  Holy McNuggets! She's still here?! And she saw me crying, she saw the broken me. Just great.

I attempt to wipe my tears away with the back of my hand, but more keep coming, it's hope less." Sorry Rowan, I didn't know you were here." I cringe at how fragile my voice sounds.

Rowan walks over to me and sits beside me on the bunk bed. I'm really in the mood to talk, but Rowan is nice, so I guess I'll tell her about my sister. Not all of it, just parts. She starts to rub her hand on my back, attempting to comfort me. It actually works."It's fine", Rowan speaks in a reassuring way."You never have to apologize for crying. Sometimes it's better to let it out, you know? You actually feel a bit better if you do."

I nod,"thanks."

She gives me a genuine smile,"you're welcome. Do you want to talk about what's bothering you?"

I hesitates for a moment, but quickly remember what I told my self. Not all of it. " I just get bad nightmares sometimes. I haven't had one in a few months. I thought they were gone, but I guess not."

She nods,"why were you crying?"

I give her a light smile,"I just told you, I had a nightmare. A-And"-here we go-" my sister, she left one and a half years ago. She was eighteen, meaning she was legally allowed to live by herself. So they looked for her awhile, but gave up, telling us that she probably went somewhere to clear her head. Well,they were wrong. She never came back. Before I went to bed last night she texted me. I hadn't heard from her since she left. I didn't know what to do or say, so I ignored it. I don't know if I should be mad or happy. But anyway, I guess that's what triggered the nightmare."

Rowan nods, taking it all in. I hope she doesn't feel bad for me. I hope she doesn't turn into another pity friend. I hope she realizes that I'm a normal girl, I just have an interesting past. I don't like people to feel bad for me, so I put on a smile, hoping no one would notice how broken I am. I've been better though, I've gotten stronger.

I suddenly feel a bit guilty for not telling Rowan about my sister sooner,"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I just didn't want a bunch of pity friends, you know what I mean?"

She nods,"I understand. Molly, you are a funny girl and you're super nice, so don't worry,I'm not a pity friend, I'm a true friend."

I give her a weak smile and she returns it with one of her own," I know, thanks for always being there for me Rowan."

She smiles,"It's my pleasure."

Something suddenly occurs to me,"Can you please not tell anyone else about it?Jacob knows, so does Kyle, since I go to school with them, but they're the only ones."

Rowan stands up, grabbing her shoes and putting them on her feet,"I promise, I won't tell anyone."

"Thanks Rowan."

"You're welcome, you can talk to me anytime", she says, tying the laces to her converse.

I laugh, suddenly feeling in a better mood," you are extremely easy to talk to, did you know that? You could honestly make the president reveal secret spy information. You and Jacob both have that quality."

She blushes a bit when I say his name,"thanks, I think."

I chuckle."You're welcome."

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