Chapter 10 - Eeeep!

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Louis's P.O.V

I got a call from Zayn saying my girlfriend Amber was in labour. I was shocked, but so sick at the same time. I got dressed right away and ran out the door. I forgot to even mention it to my parents.

I was on my way driving to the hospital. I went running towards the front desk then seen Zayn and Liam in the waiting room. They looked freaked out

"Hey guys! Which room is Amber in?" I asked right away

"Hey louis, Yah shes in section 2 room 7." Liam said

"Great, I have to go sign in and put that gown on too, The front manager said" Louis said looking worried

"Louis! calm down, everything is going to be alright!" Zayn said looking right at me

"Yeah your right, It's just... Im scared guys!" Louis said almost breaking down

"Hey hey hey, come on man. Dont cry, Your about to be a Father!" Liam said looking right at louis

"A good father. Who well keep and cherish your baby girl or boy " Zayn said smiling

"Thanks guys!" Louis said smiling..

We all went in for a hug and just laughed after that. I went walking on the second floor to go see my love Amber. I got dressed into those gowns and made my way to the room.

I walked in and saw Amber laying there in pain, Screaming at the same time

"Amber?" I said looking so happy to see her

"Louissss!" Amber yelled smiling happy to see me then started screaming

Oh dear. I fainted

I woke up on the chair and everything was blurry. I seen Amber sitting up in pain. The doctors gave her some medicine thing to keep the pain away for awhile.

Amber was 6cm long. I was so happy, I got up and went to hold her hand. I kissed her on the forehead. She was crying. Awe she was in so much pain I felt sorry i ever did this to her

"Louis I love you, but why did you have to do this to meeee!!" Amber yelled

"I'm sorry, Okay here i'll distract you"

I was thinking of what to do, I grabbed Amber's hand and started singing

"Your having my baby, What a lovely way of saying how much you love me
Your having my baby, what a lovely way of saying what your thinking of me
I can see it, your face it glowing, I can see it in your eyes im happy you know it,
That your having my baby, your the woman i love and i love what its doing to ya
your having my baby your a woman in love and i love whats going through yaa" I sang to Amber, until she yelled at me ( BTW song is from Cory Monteith "Having my baby"

"LOUISSSSS! I love you okaaay! it's just BE QUIETTTT. I can't focus" Amber said getting mad

I called my parents and they came down right away, Same with Amber's parents. Most of the Family was in the waiting room.

Niall's P.O.V

It was raining so hard outside, I don't know where all this rain came from. Me and Sophie were on our way to go meet Harry and Mimi at the movies.

We decided to go at the 3pm show instead. I couldn't really see in all this rain. I was kind of scared to even drive.

"Niall slow down" Sophie said looking out the window

"I know babe, I know" I said focusing on the road.

"I can't wait to go to the movies! ahh it's been awhile" Sophie said so excited

"Yah me too! I'm so new here and I havn't been out that much too" Niall said holding my hand

"I wonder if Mimi and Harry are there yet. Waiting for us" Sophie said wondering in her own thoughts

We were just passing the street lights at the time, There was so much trucks just zooming by here and there. I'm glad I have Sophie to keep me with comfort.

"Niall I love you" Sophie said looking at me smiling

"Me too babe me too." I said trying to not sound cheesy

"It that all? HAHAH Okay then Nialler!" Sophie said laughing away

" ah I love you, I can't imagine myself with out you, You just make me have these massive butterflies you know, I just.... Love you " I said looking right at sophie, Then started laughing so hard, I closed my eyes for a split second

and thats when I heard Sophie yell

"NIALL WATCH OUT!" Sophie yelled looking from her side of the window



There was a big semi that hit us. We did not flip, It just hit the right side of the car so bad.

- I've never knew what could have happened next. My love. My wife. My babies mom. She was gone. I was gone. we faded and drifted away-

"HELPP!" I woke up from the accident

I couldn't get out from my seat built. I couldn't really breathe I couldn't really move. I was slowly looking myself, Everything was going fast everything was blurry.

I looked to my right side and saw Sophie laying there, Unconscious.

"Babe! babeee! baby wake up!! Sophie come on!" I yelled trying to reach my hand over to feel her paulse

"HELPPPP!!" I kept yelling.

There was alot of people running our way to come check on us

"Are you okay?"
"How do you feel?"
"I just called the ambulance"
"Is she okay?"
"The ambulance is coming"
"Were getting you help"
"relax, you will be okay" .. All the questions everybody was asking

The ambulance arrived on time, The paramedics got me and Sophie out of the car. They put Sophie on the ground and got the machine out

"1, 2, 3 Clear!" I saw Sophie's getting help, While I was sitting in the ambulance.
They again said the word "Clear!"

We went rushing over to the hospital. Sophie was slowly breating still. I didn't even know what to say or do. I was so sad.

Louis P.O.V

Amber was getting into alot of pain, She couldn't take it anymore.

"baby! I feel like I cant breathe,everything is suffercating!" Amber said looking all freaked out

"Amber, Just relax. It's almost time. Were going to be a happy family" I said looking into Ambers eyes, While holding her hand

"No baby, I mean. I actually feel like i cant.... uhh... uhhh breathe!" Amber started to breathe heavier.

"Doctors!. I need help!" I yelled out. I looked back at amber she was slowly passing out

Amber's heart rate was going lower and lower. .doctors came running in all fast.


"AMBERRR!!!!" I yelled on the top of my lungs with my eyes wide opened and in shock.

"Code 9 code 9! we need doctor breeze . Code 9 " The doctor said on the phone

"Were loosing her, baby is in wrong possesion. which is suffercating her" Doctor said trying to move her around

"Is she going to be okay???" I asked right away

"Sir, were going need you to go wait out there. I'm sorry, but we will try the best we can." The man doctor said

"Noo, I have to stay with her!! " I yelled and almost crying

The doctors were moving her on the bed then out into the hall way

"Section 4! section 4 come on! through front door now!" The girl doctor said. There was about 5 of them pushing her on there.

I went running aside of her. looking right at her. The doctors ran through the first door to go onto the second floor. Once I ran through that door I ran into Niall.

Sophie's emergancy bed went left. Amber's went right. We both stopped and looked at eachother, and just went our ways.

Liam and Zayn came running to me, Trying to stop me. because I was suppose to be waiting as the doctor said

"Louis! louis. calm down! relax, Shes going to be okay!" Liam said looking right into my eyes

"I just, I just ... I can't handel this!" I burst out crying and went falling onto my knee's and was sobbing on the ground

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