Chapter 6

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Niall's P.O.V

It was nearly an hour that has passed by, we were done our history assignment. we were listening to some music, and just talking, getting ready to know eachother. All of asudden we heard somebody come in from the from door. Sophie got up from her bed and shut the lights off. we were sitting quietly on her bed, hoping whoever that was wont see us. but a bad timing, The baby started crying and wanted his bottle. No.

"Who's here?" I asked whispering

"I'm not sure, i wasn't expecting no one. " Sophie said scared

*The door opens and that person turns the lights on *

"What is this?" The guy said

"What are you doing here!?! Omg!" Sophie said

It was Harry he looked intoxicated like he had to much vodka, I was scared he looked mad and sad at the same time.

"Harry?! answer me, what are you doing here?!?!" Sophie said getting worried

"What are you cheating on me now?." Harry spoke in a calm voice, trying to keep it together

"Were just working, Nothing else" Soph said

"with the lights off? " Harry said

Harry's P.O.V

I have drank alot of vodka since after school. i lost Zayn, maybe he went over to Casey's or whatever. I was having a lot of mixed emotions. I was on going to go home and get my car, and drive to her house. I felt so drunk. I should not drive. but I want to see sophie. i pulled into her drive way about 20 minutes later. It was dark and quiet. i kept blacking out, I forgot that I even entered the door. I was slowly finding my way upstairs, i went into Sophie's room. it was dark. I was thinking she was not home, until i heard this baby crying.

"Harry you should just go home" Niall said. God i wanted to rip his face off

"Niall you stay out of this, I came to see my girlfriend" I said back to him

"No. she does not want to see you, go home now. or here ill drive you home you look intoxicated" Niall said to me

He didn't seem that bad. he wanted to get me home safe. but I did not want too. I wanted to make love to Sophie. Hahaha thats funny. I was just standing there, staggering back and forth.

"Harry come on lets go. " Sophie said

"Come over, I miss you " I said to sophie

"no" She said back

"Niall, ? Whenever I'm gone, i want you to watch Sophie for me. she means everything to me" I said to niall. I was getting emoitional.

"iight, come on mate. your drunk. " Niall spoke getting up from the bed

I must've blacked out, I was sitting on Sophie's bed all of asudden. I Heard Niall and Sophie Talking, but i couldnt find them, where are they?.

"BABE!?"??????" I yelled out feeling lost

"What did i do to desrve this? i didnt even get one last kiss. from you.
oh sophie, Niall took your love from me , i need to feel your hands all over me, i need to feel your kiss in me. i need to feeling you holding me, cause i miss your love so much, and i cant keep on living this way, i need you here with me. " I sang out to Sophie.

I then blacked out again. I saw Niall standing face to face with Sophie. what.

Niall's P.O.V

Harry kept blacking out, he looked so out of it. Sophie was getting him some water. Harry was talkng to me about some MiMi girl and Sophie at the same time.

"Niall!" Harry yelled my name

"yeh" i answered back.

"I want you to leave" Harry said

"Sorry I cant , were working." i spoke over to Harry

Sophie came back into the room, Harry has passed out. Me and Sophie were talking. I wanted to kiss her. but I was afraid. I was slowly making my way to her, we were face to face. but she had no idea what i was just about to do. but no. Harry woke up coughing away.

Sophie's P.O.V

"Harry?. You have to go now. Niall well drop you off" I said to harry, waking him up

"NO!. " Harry yelled getting up from the bed walking straight to Niall

"Dont touch me" Niall said with his straight face, trying to get Harry to stop walking towards him

"HAHAHAHA" Harry laughed

"What?" I said to Harry

"Im going to go see MiMi!.. You don't love me no more. I'm sorry for all the things i did. " Harry said

"Im sorry too. but I think it's for the best, We weren't working out. " I said to harry

Harry took off, and it was just me and Niall home. it was quiet after Harry took off. but it was true we werent working out, because Harry was always getting Jealous, but I hope him and Mimi work out, they would seem so cute with eachother.

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