Chapter 45: Outburst

Start from the beginning

"Enough," Ninira whispered, eyes filling with tears. "Those days are behind me."

"Only for now," Ella allowed, shaking her head. "You have my word that I'll try to keep everything in order."

"First, you'll need to finish what you've already started," Amelia reminded her, then glanced at Ninira, who was now busily preparing food for everyone. "Would you like some help, Mrs. Daael? We have provisions of our own that you can use to make the meal a hearty one, if you'd like."

"Eh?" Nini asked, glancing up in surprise. "You would use your own provisions?"

"Of course!" Amelia sweetly chirped, walking over to her with the pack. "We have a variety of fruits, vegetables, and many lovely herbs and spices. Most of our food is actually still fairly fresh, too, since it didn't take nearly as long to get here as we were expecting."

"Well, you're certainly devoted to your friend, I'll admit that," Ninira snorted, taking a glance at Xaphile, who was still curled into an upright fetal position. "Is he not feeling well?"

"He gets like that sometimes," Ella said quietly, making both women stare at her. "Worry not."

Not worrying was easier said than done, though, since he hadn't moved once since he'd come inside.

Not even his tail.

"My Lady," Amelia called. "I think you should try warming yourself up, don't you?"

"What?" Ella finally turned away from the window, furrowing her brows. "I'm perfectly warm. I don't need to..."

She trailed off when Amelia nodded towards Xaphile with an warning expression.

The face she was making clearly said, 'Do something about this.'

Ella frowned, then let out a sigh before stepping towards the fireplace. Carefully taking a seat on the floor directly in front of him, she stretched her bad leg out and tapped his arm. He flinched, then hesitantly lifted his head a little.

Their eyes met.

Ella's mouth twisted as she thought about how to approach this situation.

What he'd done to her couldn't be ignored, but then again, neither could what she'd done to him. Their situation was becoming more and more tangled up, but, deep down inside, there was a strange part of her that wasn't actually as bothered by his actions as she should have been.

Now that she'd had time to think, she wasn't even all that mad.

She didn't really know how to feel about it.

How to feel about him.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, bringing her back around. "I shouldn't have done what I did."

She tilted her head in a speculative manner, hair sliding to the side as she gazed at him.

"You bit me," she said simply, making him flinch. "You bit me so deep that you punctured my neck and made me bleed."

He shivered.

"I... I have no excuse," he murmured. "I'm sorry."

Irritation touched her, but then she smothered it back.

"Why did you do it?" she asked. "I want to know your reasons for... for marking me. I want to know why you bit me instead of Amelia."

Xaphile stiffened, then looked up.

"I didn't want to bite either of you," he instantly protested. "I... I honestly don't even remember doing it. The only reason I know I did is because the next thing I remember is the blood on you and... and in my... mouth..."

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