Second day of school

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(Kurai's pov)

"Get your butt back here you little-" "Lah, lah,lah. I'm not listening." I smirked and dodged a tackle from your's truly, the idiot who got soaked yesterday.

"Grrrr,come back here!"

I rewarded myself with another self-satisfied smirk before rushing to class.

*time skip*

"So the Ozone layer is made out of O3 and prevents less heat to pass through so the earth would not be too hot. Without the ozone layer, we would not be able to survive under the intense heat. The UV rays would cause blindness and skin cancer, it would be disastrous so we must try to do our best to prevent more holes from appearing in the ozone layer. So today class, you must do a report on how to do so, it must be at least four pages long. Also, do check on the board to see how you did in the test yesterday. Class dismissed."The teacher finished her lecture and closed her book.

The class surged towards the dusty black board in hopes of seeing their name on the top. I didn't even bother to look, the paper meant nothing to me. No matter how you see it, it was just a flimsy paper with numbers that would please most parents. Nothing more, nothing less. My paper would never please him. I was nothing in his eyes, all I was to him was a failure anyway. Nothing I do would change that.

I strolled leisurely to the door, leaving the others in the classroom.

(Hiroki's pov)

I scanned the board and my eyes landed on the top of the paper. I expected Zanya's name on it but instead, there was a new name on it.'Kurai' was printed in bold letters. I traced his name to his score and my mouth fell open.

Three words.

What. The. Heck.

How in the world did that kid get full marks in that test. That freaking difficult test I might add. That paper was so hard, even Zanya only got like 15/20. I,on the other hand only got 12/20. Wait a minute, nobody else here has the name Kurai so Kurai must be ...

My eyes turned to the new student,it must be him. He was walking out of the classroom, his back was facing the black board. Is he not interested to know his test result?!

(Zanya's pov)

Oh great. I am going to have to that godforsaken project with Hiroki and his gang. Again.

Maybe I could ask Kurai to join us if he failed the test too. Who am I kidding, he probably failed too. That was when I heard a few girls gossiping among themselves.
"Hey, did you see that new student? He's really hot!"

Kurai,hot? Girls can be weird sometimes.
"Yeah, I know right."
"Did you know that he managed to pass the test?!"

"I know! Even Zanya didn't pass that test how did he do it?"

Exactly! How in the world did he know the answers?!
"I don't know! He might have cheated but his a new student, he wouldn't know where the answer sheets are kept."
"Precisely! Maybe the reason he came into this school because he thought his old school was too easy for him."

Unlikely, Aibo specialises in buddyfight, not studying. Well ,why don't we just ask him?

I strode off to find the said ravenette while the class continued to buzz about their results.

*time skip*

Finally, I was able to find Kurai. Well , more like he found me. I was walking past this dark corner and someone suddenly just pulled me aside by the shirt collar. I nearly choked and was about to yell for help until I realised that someone was actually Kurai. "So, why were you looking for me?"

How did he know I was looking for him? He chuckled, as if reading my mind. I internally shivered, it was humourless and empty. "You were wondering around shouting my name and asking if anyone saw me while I was in this corner the whole time. It was too obvious."

What? He was here the whole time? Oh gods, this is so embarrassing. I could feel my cheeks heating up,while Kurai snorted in amusement.

I changed the subject in hopes of taming the wild blush growing on my cheeks. "Hey, did see your score for the Chinese test.?" "No, why?" "You do know you got full marks right?" I asked. "Oh." What? No cheering? No celebrating? Not even a smirk?

No reaction from him at all.

"Why aren't you like,you know, celebrating?" He suddenly pounded the table. Hard.

The kid sitting there yelped as his drink splattered on his shirt. He stood up abruptly and picked up his bag. "What's there to be proud of? Getting full marks wouldn't change my father's opinion on me." He muttered under his breath before stalking off to God knows where. I stared after him in bewilderment and surprise, I...I don't understand...

I could only stare at his retreating figure before he disappeared into a crowd of noisy students.

Sakura blossoms falling(OC X Zanya)(a Buddyfight Fanfiction)*discontinued *Where stories live. Discover now