The gang

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(Kurai's pov)

I have no idea who is the guy that I'm following, but yet, something makes me trust him. Maybe it was the way how soft and warm his touch felt even with those white gloves on. I never felt anything so warm and soft before, the only man's touch I ever felt before was my father's. But my father's touch was nothing like his,my father's fingers were riddled with scars and always touched me like I had caught a very dangerous and contagious disease that he himself could get anytime.

"Hey, Kurai. Are your fingers still bleeding?" That male asked. I shook my head giving him the silent treatment.

The concern in his voice puzzled me, we both just met today, why is he acting like we're friends? I don't understand it at all. Then again, how would I? I had never felt anything other than negative feelings,I have never been treated with compassion. Nobody cared about me, to them, I was an eyesore, a waste of time and space. What made him different than the others?

I shook my head in frustration and stalked off towards the classroom at a fast pace, leaving that guy chasing after me. "Hey,wait up!" He called desperately, trying to keep up with my pace.

(Zanya's pov)

I desperately ran after Kurai and wow, he's fast. All he has to do is walk quickly and he would win every single race in the Olympics. He walked past a corner and I chased after him. But when I reached there, Kurai was nowhere to be seen.

(Kurai's pov)

{insert colourful insult},that Hiroki guy just decided to appear again.

I tried to avoid him but no,he just had to grab my collar and pull me off somewhere. And now I'm in the middle of some stupid old warehouse, with a bunch of boys doing the wolf whistle.

"Looks like Hiroki finally got a girlfriend~" one of them whistled, the others chuckled. I did not like the flirty tone they used. I quickly ran to where I supposed the door was ...

...and then crashed into Hiroki who was near the door. "Gods! For the love of god, get your butt out of the way!"I roared. Hiroki smirked and slung me over his shoulder. I pounded my fists on his back as hard as I could but guess what? That idiot decided that it was a good idea to dump me on the floor. The impact of the cold hard floor got me dazed for a second.

"This isn't my girlfriend, he's our new gang member. " Hiroki's voice brought me to my senses. One of the members stepped out "Did I hear you properly? She's a he!? But he's so weak and short, he wouldn't be able to fight!?" I growled angrily under my breath, i pulled myself and stood unsteadily on my feet. "Well, show them, shorty." he said, pushing me forward. Wait, what!? That member sent a punch to my face, I quickly blocked it with my fist. He smirked and sent more attacks to me.

(Hiroki's pov)

That kid, only two words could be used to describe him:very fast. He jumped out of the way and disappeared in a blur. We were all confused, where was he?

Then, he dropped from the ceiling. I had no idea when or how he managed to climb up there. He just appeared and tackled the member. That kid sure was speedy. He hooked his arm around the member's neck held it tightly. The member thrashed around but that kid tightened his grip. I recognised that look on his face,

The look of someone who would not hesitate to kill.

I had to stop him.

I ran forward and heaved him off the member. That kid sure was something.

The room was deathly silent. Finally, I broke the silence "Does anybody else object?" Nobody dared to, they had seen what that kid could do,I could almost smell the fear in the air. I walked towards him,my boots clunking on the hard floor. I raised his right hand, "He is now an official member of our gang."

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