Wait, what?!

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(Kurai's pov)

What just happened? Wait, what?! I'm a member of that moron gang? I was so focused on the fight that i didn't notice the trick he used. I sent a punch to Hiroki's face. "You didn't tell me anything! What gang? What do you guys do? You want to use me as a weapon to win fights, don't you?!" Hiroki blinked and tried to answer my questions. "Yes, I did. We're the Delinquents, no other stupid titles. We do what we want and how did you know?!"


I smacked him upside on the head. "If you think I'm going to join your gang, dream on. Why would I join a gang that just decided to dump me on the floor, toy with me and attack me?!" Hiroki tried to say something but I kick him in the face and shoved my boot on his mouth. "No, don't say anything, just,just shut up." I shook my head and went out of that smelly warehouse.

   I'm getting distracted from my goal, the only reason I came was to find Zanya Kisaragi,I would not be able to forgive myself if I do not repay my debts to him.

Flashback :

   Little Zanya stood cowering in a corner while the blood spilled everywhere. The killer stabbed the victim once more with the dagger before dragging the body outside. The assassin did not notice the little boy while he /she buried the body in the garden. Zanya quickly took the opportunity to escape, to call for help. He was trembling all over, running as fast as possible.

End of flashback

   I shook my head vigorously to clear the bloody scene from my head. The only thing that matters now is that I find him, it's going to be quite hard to do so. I can't ask around, it would be suspicious for a new student to know the name of one of them, especially if the said student does not recognise me. If he did …it would be a bit of a problem.

   Shoot! Someone is coming! I quickly hid behind a tree. Unoriginal, i know. But that's the only thing available for hiding. I heard the trampling of leaves and some incoherent swearing.

   "Who's there?" I yelled at the source of the noise. I heard a yelp of surprise and the mysterious person ran off. I don't have time for this person whoever he or she isn't. I  would get revenge for what those morons did. A sneaky idea popped into my head and I smirked evilly, as they say revenge is best served cold. Well, I'll show them. Also, if I want to find Zanya. I would need to be social. I made a face, I hated people, but I have no choice. By pulling off a prank like this on a delinquent like Hiroki, it would attract plenty of attention and there would be a few people coming forward to congratulate me on my success. Well,let's get started.

Time skip

   I filled the bucket with ice cold water and added in a few ice cubes I "found" in the teachers lounge. I quickly ran to where Hiroki was waiting for me. "So you've changed your mind, right?" Hiroki asked hopefully. "Here's my answer." I dumped the water and ice cubes on him, threw the bucket on his head and ran like hell. "Hey, come back here!" I laughed gleefully and hid behind a wall, snorting with laughter.

   A tap on shoulder made me freeze. I slowly turned my head around to see that boy from before raising an eyebrow at me.

Oh shit.

   I chuckled nervously. "Oops?" He rolled his eyes. "C'mon, please let me off this time?" He seemed to consider this, "Fine, since today's your first day, I'll let you off." I breathed a sigh of relief. "Hey, what's your name? I told you mine but what's your's?"
I asked curiously. "Oh, sorry. My name's Zanya. Zanya Kisaragi." Oh, nice name. Wait, wait, wait wait. Did I hear him right? Zanya Kisaragi?!

   He doesn't seem to remember me, that's good. It's been years since I last saw him. I couldn't recognise him at all.

"Get back here!"

Oh, shoot. I forgot.


Sakura blossoms falling(OC X Zanya)(a Buddyfight Fanfiction)*discontinued *Where stories live. Discover now