Meeting the new boy

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(Hiroki's pov)
If looks could kill, i would have dropped dead from my seat already.

That boy had been giving me the death glare for the past few hours, I can already picture myself getting murdered by him after school.

Zanya elbowed me, raising an eyebrow. He gestured towards the boy, sending me a silent question. I simply shrugged and smirked,today's going to be very interesting.

(???'s pov)

Why!? Why him?! What is he smirking at, huh?! I am so going to kill this guy ...

Wait,who is that guy sitting next to that Baka? He seems so familiar,like we've met before.

Oh well, who cares? I don't. The teacher cleared her throat, catching everybody's attention

"Now class, like I said earlier, we will be having a quiz on the traditions of the Chinese people."(cue the loud groaning) "if you do not manage to score a flawless 100, you will have to do a project about the Chinese heritage." Just my luck, I was part Chinese. She passed down the papers and started the timer. We only had... minute

Right now, I'm pretty sure it was time to report to the police this "act of injustice, child abuse".

One minute, 20 questions. I pity those that have not been studying, probably their worst nightmare. I quickly skimmed through the questions and managed to finish them before the timer rang. Easy-peasy. I smirked lightly before passing the paper to the front.

*time skip *

Even the gym teacher is insane.

He wanted us to do an extremely hard obstacle course. Well, since I was the new student, I was pushed to the front before i could even process what was happening.


It was surprisingly easy,actually. Once you get the hang of it, it wasn't so bad.

First,I had to swing through those monkey bars that were at least 10cm away from each other. Next, a swaying bridge. Like one of those flimsy rope ones in those movies that look like it's going to break anything time. Lastly? My nightmare.


It reminded too much of my past,I already felt sick looking at it. It was a wooden board tied to the ceiling, swinging dangerously. I was aware of what I had to do, jump onto it, then jump to the other side. Easy, right?

Easy, my butt. You have no idea how hard it was to bring myself to jump on it. My feet felt like lead, my palms were sweaty. I wanted to scream I give up! Somehow, i manage to launch myself on the board.


My feet landed on the board and fell on the other side. Yes! I mentally screamed in my head, punching the air.

Only to scratch myself from a sharp nail on the ground. I spoke some very colourful words under my breath and stood up.

I dragged myself to the nurse's office. I never liked nurses and doctors, in my opinion, they made everything worst than it should be and make a fuss of everything. I slammed the door open, good, no one there. I was going sneak out until the door swung open to reveal ...


(Zanya's pov)

He stood there like a criminal caught red-handed. I saw him try to hide something behind his back. "What are you hiding behind you?" I asked. He tried not to look at me in the eye."Oh,um...nothing? HEY!" He flinched as I grabbed his hand. "You're hurt." I stated. I was quite worried, his hand had blood dripping from a long gash on his fingers.

I used my free hand to grab the first aid kit from the cupboard and took out the bandage. He went silent as I took the peroxide, dabbing it on the wound. He hissed in pain, trying to free his hand. I tightened my grip on his hand and skillfully bandaged it up. He stared at me before returning his gaze to the ground. It took me a moment to realise that his face was burning up.

He was blushing.

I gently put both of my hands on the sides of his face and guided it to look at me. His dark oblivion eyes stared back at me, reflecting me in them. I softly ask "What's your name?" "Kurai." he softly answered, averting his eyes. I don't know why am I so concerned about him,maybe it because of his anti-social behaviour. There's something about him that makes me want to help him.

I held out my hand and whispered" let's get to class. He slowly nodded and followed me to the classroom.

Sakura blossoms falling(OC X Zanya)(a Buddyfight Fanfiction)*discontinued *Where stories live. Discover now