Chapter 56

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"Jack, how was the date? Did it go-" Rebecca, Jack's Mum had pushed open Jack's door to find us lying in bed together. She had stopped mid-yell in shock.

"So it went well!" She smiled so big that her eyes wrinkled into slits.

"Good morning Lovely Livy" She cooed, excitedly.

"You must stay for breakfast," She demanded.

Rebecca walked to the edge of the bed and started to obsessively clean up the papers and rubbish on Jack's bedside table.

"this is amazing, if I'd known it was going to be this easy-" her voice trailed off as she picked up a piece of cardboard rubbish from the floor.

"Mum," Jack sat up in bed, revealing his bare and very shirtless chest.

" Liv and me will be down in ten for breakfast" Jack shooed his mum from our room.

"What a wake up," he sighed and lay back down next to me.

"It's fine," I smiled a little and got up quickly and put a coat on over top of my still intact clothes.

I felt guilty but I didn't want Finn to see me here with Jack, the way

Finn talked to me the night before last was so horrible that it just couldn't have been him.

Last night had felt great in the moment but now I couldn't help but feel like I had cheated on Finn.

"I can't stay for breakfast, I actually have to go like now, so I'll see you later" I swiped my bag up and opened Jack's bedroom door a crack to see if Finn was anywhere to be seen.

"No stay" Jack begged, loudly. I almost shushed him and told him to be quiet because he may blow my cover, but I held my tongue.

"You see Jack I just can't-" I was whispering to him quietly, hoping that my quiet voice only reached Jack's ears.

He interrupted me before I could run out of excuses thankfully.

"He's not here you know, Finn didn't come home last night, you don't need to worry about him hurting you," Jack got up and hugged me close, his bare, toned muscular body on my fully-clothed body.

"It'll be fine" He tried to earnestly meet my eyes but I wouldn't let him.

I felt shameful that I had forgiven Finn and wanted him back, desperately.

"Breakfast time you two love birds!" Rebecca called cheerfully from the down stairs kitchen.

Me and Jack awkwardly laughed a little at our new title of "love birds".


"This is delicious Rebecca," I said politely, not admitting to my adamant hate of eggs as a I pushed the scrambled yellow mess around my plate.

"Oh thank you Livy darling!" She exclaimed, she positively couldn't be any happier.

It was me and Jack and Rebecca all lined up long the kitchen bench eating breakfast.

Jack's father had left for work early I imagine.

"and thank you for your lovely gift from Ibiza, you know Jack, you sure know how to pick them!" She joked with a small shrill laugh into a mouthful of eggy goo.

I almost choked on my nonexistent mouthful.

She just mocked 'the arrangement' as if it was a fucking joke. As if I hadn't cried a thousand tears over mine and Jack's parents decision.

I could barely breath and I couldn't find the grip in me to make eye contact with Jack so I just watched the deflated saggy eggy mass on my plate.

I hated Rebecca. And as I stirred my fork around my plate I imagined myself driving a hundred forks into her skull.


I had been so invested in my gory day dream that I didn't hear the front door opening and closing, and a slow patting of footsteps against the wooden floor.

"Finny!" Rebecca exclaimed, waking me from my satisfying dream.

"And where have you been?" Rebecca laughed a little, in a way that excused her son's boyish sleeping around mentality.

"What lovely lady was it this time?" Rebecca pressed Finn.

He stood awkwardly at the kitchen bench with messy hair and last nights clothing on with stains on his dress shirt. Finn's eyes never met mine because mine were still firmly sunk into the scrambled eggs in front of me.

"Was she a red head? I know how much you love red heads"

After that final comment I realised that Rebecca was doing this for me. To teach how over me and Finn was.

I'm not a red head and Finn fucking loves me!

I wanted to scream at Rebecca until her skin melted off.

"Finny you're being exceptionally rude, you know that?" Rebecca questioned, angrily.

"You haven't said one word to poor Livy," Rebecca nodded her head to me, expectantly.

"Good morning Liv" Finn's voice was a little monotone, as if he was being forced against his will into greeting me.

Finn smiled a little and I made a flicker of electric eye contact with him.

That little moment solidified my need for him.

"I need to go get showered," Finn left leaving me, Jack and Rebecca once again.


I cleaned up the dishes and waited precisely for Jack and Rebecca to sink into a depthy conversation before I said I needed to go to the bathroom.

I needed to talk to Finn without the pressure of his parents and the arrangement on him.


"Finn, can I-" I stuttered uncertainly,

"Can I come in?" I pushed open his bedroom door to see him lying in an almost identical white washed room.

Finn was freshly changed and showered, resting on his bed, watching his cell phone.

"What is it, Liv?" Finn's tone was not rude or sharp or angry or bitter. It was sanitarily safe.

There was no emotion in his voice.

" I just wanted to talk," I walked over to the edge of the bed, making a cheeky smile that he didn't return.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Liv" he said bluntly looking away from my eyes, to his cellphone that vibrated and pinged constantly.

He was getting texts from someone. And it wasn't my place but I felt cheated on.

Was it a beautiful red head that was more his type than I'll ever be? Is it a girl that he can actually stand?

"I miss you, Finn" I said sadly, and quietly. It was time to leave before I completely embarrassed myself with crying or begging.

"You are confused, you love Jack" Finn dismissed my feelings with a bored knowing voice.

I was at his door now, my hand on the cold, metal doorknob, willing myself to twist it and leave.

"Please stop saying that," I begged, watching the door. It hurt every time he denied my feelings.

"Stop saying what, Liv? The truth. I don't love you Liv, I never did" Finn was frustrated now.

"Stop Finn, please."

"You were nothing but a fuck to me and I don't want to be with you anymore!" Finn's calm voice sprung into a sort of angered yell. He was over my begging.

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