Chapter 25

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**** Hi there, recently I started writing a new story, although it is a fanfiction, I don't think you need to know the youtubers to enjoy the story. If you want to, please check it out!!!****

Finn watched my eye patiently as I stroked a thin line of eyeliner around it. Even after my insisting, he was determined to stay with me as I got ready. We were in his room, the drive home had been a loud and fast one. Everyone had been excited for the night ahead.

"You look beautiful"

"Thank you, Finny, you look absolutely dashing"

And he did. He had changed in to a fitted white shirt that was buttoned to the top, his jeans had been swapped for skinnier ones, which I didn't think was possible.

He had been sitting on the floor beside me, cross legged, for about half an hour. He started to shuffle his legs around and play with his shoe, his bountiful patience was running dry.

"Let's go," I said, waiting for him to get up so he could pull me up. I don't think I know how to get out of a sitting position in heels, and I was not going to be trying any time soon, not without assistance.

He helped me up. And we walked over to Sam's room, where we were meeting to leave before our clubbing excursion to the other side of the island. My walk was similar to the gate of someone needing the bathroom, badly.

Finn laughed as I held him tightly to stabilise my constant tripping.

"Go change your shoes babe, I'd rather you look a little less glam and have your to ankles intact," he said knowingly.

I agreed, and stumbled back to Finn's room. I sat heavily down on the bed, my feet were already starting to throb a little. Those shoes were not comfortable and I tossed them on the ground, carelessly. Instead I wore my black Mary-Janes. They had a thick sole that gave me a generous 3 inches, they looked like vintage school girl shoes and I loved them. You could see my love for them through the ageing and crinkling around the gold buckle that strapped my feet smoothly inside.

Finn was with others in Sam's room and it made me anxious at the idea I was making them wait so I refrained the urge to look in the mirror before leaving. I knew by looking in the mirror I would see the hundreds of imperfections that I needed to fix up.

"Where's Zoe and Louise?" I asked the group of boys huddled around Sam's laptop.

Caspar scoffed at me and Mazzi Maz laughed.

"About half an hour ago they were on their" Caspar stopped to put down his empty beer bottle so that he could do bunny ears as he finished his sentence "'final touches',"

I laughed and continued to as Maz finished Caspar's thought.

"So I imagine they'll be another hour"

There was a communal sigh from all the boys.

" what are you guys watching?" I looked at the computer eagerly.

Sam quickly turned the computer away so the screen was facing the wall and not me. Caspar and Joe blushed furiously and Maz laughed sheepishly into his hand trying desperately to turn his laugh into a wheeze or a cough. Jack was smoking out of a small gap in the glass door out to the pool. He payed little attention to what was going on.

I didn't get a response, but their reactions made me curious and I stepped close to the computer.

" what is it? What are you looking at?"

Finn stepped out of the tight huddle that was creating a barrier between me and what ever they were looking at.

He hugged me tight and whispered! secretly in my ear that they were watching porn and that we could leave back to my room and come back when everyone was ready.

"Fuck no." I said smiling naughtily.

I'd never watched porn before but trying new things was what this holiday was all about. Right?

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