Chapter 21

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It was early morning and I had snuck out of Finn's tight hug without disturbing his sleep. I showered for what felt like hours. My insides felt tender and bruised, but the shower did numb the pain. I pulled away sharply and breathed in a gasp of pain when I touched the area. I was standing in the shower holding the metal knob that turned the shower off, willing myself to stop the numbing water, when my phone started to ring.

I awkwardly stumbled out of the shower, ceasing the water and started diving my hand into my short's pockets.

"Mother?" I questioned into my phone.

"Don't sound so surprised, Liv" She was still angry and authoritative, after days of no communication.

There was silence in both sides of the phone. I wasn't about to speak, and be judged again.

"You're still with Finn aren't you?" She sighed angrily.

"I don't understand why you're so upset!" I yelled into the phone.

"You know what Liv?" She shouted, "I think you can go see your father about this matter, I can't deal with you right now!"

"Good," I said, definitively "maybe he can shed some light an your infuriating attitude because I have no fucking idea!"

I hung up.

And another short conversation with Mother ended with me, furious and confused.

I was going to visit Father. It had been years since I had gotten one of his warm and gentle hugs that I remember so fondly. Monthly, I would get a call from him, telling me how much he misses me and loves me, endlessly. On birthdays I would get a small package in the post, inside would be expensive jewellery placed neatly in tissue paper with gently etched engravings like "bountiful love from Dad" . I treasured every bracelet, necklace and ring I got.

Due to an inevitable conflict, I never asked my Mother to visit London, where my Father still lives. She was still tender over the break up and that was why I was surprised when she ordered at detour from my original flight plan. I imagined she had already booked my tickets and this was confirmed when my phone chimed and an email popped up confirming seat 12D on my flight to London, England.

I hadn't said those remarks to my Mother out of spite, I really needed my Father to explain my Mother's irrational behaviour.

I left the bathrooms with my clothes bundled under my arm and held my towel up around my body.

I dropped my towel and started pulling on my clothes as I closed the door I had entered in to Finn's room.

I had my tight shorts on and I was holding the bra I was about to strap on to my chest when I looked over to Finn, in a tangle of white sheets, sleeping.

He was naked and through the sheets I could see all of him. He was perfect. His slightly tousled brown hair that lay on his pillow. His eyelids, that hid his soft hazel eyes, made my heart pump when they fluttered. His neck led down to his strong and defined collar bones. It made me smile when I saw a small trail of loving purple and pink blotches that ran across his collar like a temporary birth mark of my love for him. His strong lean muscles ran down to his hips in the shape of pecks and abs.

"Finny baby" I woke Finn from his sleep. I wanted to give him the news of my trip to London.

He moved his lightly tanned hands to his face and rubbed at his eyes. He sat up and smiled at me.Oh god. He smiled. And it was more perfect than everything.

"Good morning, Beautiful" his voice was smooth, sensual and made me a little excited.

"I'm sorry I woke you"

"It's okay, baby" I couldn't hold it much longer and I jumped on to his bed and straddled him around his hips. Sitting hurt a little but I was too turned on to care.

"I'm going to London after Ibiza," I smiled at him " I'm taking a detour"

"Oh my god, Liv! Yay!" He exclaimed. He was so excited.

(End of chapter)

Hello, an author's note to say I'm enjoying writing this story immensely. I was hoping that you could leave some comments telling me any positives or negatives, even ideas? Thankyou.

Truth or Dare (Jack and Finn Harries fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon