Chapter 7 - Boat Metaphores

Start from the beginning

"Here, let me," Peter leaned forward and reached for the mouse. His hand rested on Ben's for a moment.

Ben remembered the feel of this hand the first day they met. It felt different now, a bit sweatier but more confident. It felt like years before Ben moved his hand from under Peter's. An uncomfortable stillness filled the air and the click of the mouse burst through the room. The footage popped up on screen.

"I guess, I don't have it perfected yet." Ben let out a feeble laugh and watched the screen avoiding eye contact with Peter. Peter's hurt silence was obvious.

"Why?" Peter said returning his hand to his lap. Peter's voice sounded sore and melancholy.

"To be honest, I thought we weren't serious. We were still exploring with each other. I want to clear things up though, Howard is my roommate's boyfriend, and Seth…he's real." Ben whispered subconsciously afraid that Peter would hear.

"Seth," Peter spoke processing the name. His lips grew to thin slits. "I'm sorry,"

Ben looked up at Peter confused and bewildered. He noticed Peter's eyes for the first time, puffy and dry. Ben's heart went out to the man sitting next to him.

"I'm so sorry," Peter turned to look at Ben. "For all this confusion, I was scared that night in the bakery. I was scared of showing my true self. I really like you Ben, I was just so glad that I might have you I didn't even consider you were already taken, such a perfect guy like you." Peter turned and looked at Ben the full force of his eyes impacting Ben's soul.

"No, please don't call me perfect." Ben gulped. "I should have been more considerate of you Peter. I want you to know something though; when I kiss you it means something."

"Good, good," Peter nodded a bit weakly but a casual smile appeared on his face. "I know I shouldn't ask, but it will bug me. I guess I am just nosy. Are Seth and you a couple?"

"I don't think so; no I'm positive we're not. We haven't even had full on sex yet." Ben spat out the mood lightened in the room.

"Oh," Peter wanted to ask what they had done but knew it would be inappropriate. He did feel a spark though, a chance to get the guy he admired. Peter wanted to take it. "I guess, we could date then, right? Nothing serious though, we aren't a couple, right?"

"Right, just two guys, on a date," Ben nodded. "How about I pick you up this time, if that's okay?"

"That sounds great." Peter nodded. Peter wasn't sure what he was getting himself into as he wrote down his address on the piece of paper. The two joked around and finished the days editing before they left to go home and prepare.


Ben arrived at his flat in a chipper mood as he threw off his work clothes and ran the shower. The apartment was empty and in only his boxers he hurried to the bathroom. Ben slid them off and hopped in the shower to begin cleaning himself. The door into the bathroom jiggled and Ben's heart leapt. Someone was trying to get in and he had shampoo in his hair.

The door opened and slammed. Ben rinsed his head as fast as he could and popped open his eyes. They stung with shampoo residue and he noticed the shadowy figure of someone behind the curtain. He mentally prepared himself for a psycho and stuck his head out to see who it was.

"Ben, I'm sorry for bursting in here but we need to talk." Colby shouted when Ben stuck his head out. "Wow, you need a haircut…sorry off topic."

"Colby, privacy," Ben shouted.

"You know what, no, we don't need to talk, I need to talk. I am sorry I ruined it between you and Peter. It was a mistake and I can't believe you don't understand that…how immature are you to…" Colby shouted.

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