Chapter 14: I See...

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Louis's POV (Before the accident)

I was running my way back to our house, I was finding lauren... Since that ass hole zayn didin't followed her, I was running very fast and I saw many fans waving at me and screaming, I just ran.. Then after that long run, I was back at our house, when I opened the door I saw lauren; Lying on the ground with blood everywhere.. Shocked.

Then Jessica came out with a gun on her hand,

"Why did you kill lauren!?!" I shouted angrily,

"Oh please, I didin't kill her... I just knocked her down," She evily laughed, throwing her gun on the floor,

"W-what.. ? why are you doing this... ? !" I asked shocked,

"Do me a favor pretty boy, " Jessica smiled at me,

I was getting scared of her, Well when she was with niall, she's never like this, She was nice to all of us, and never plastic but me and the other boys were mean to her, we obviously didin't like her.. But she likes us. No matter how mean we get to her, She will just smile, and laughed... I feel bad that it has to get this far,

"What is the favor?" I asked bravely,

"Tell your stupid little friends, that lauren is dead. or else i'll kill lauren." I nodded my head, for the sake of lauren my god!

"Anything else? " I asked again, raising my left eyebrow, she smirked and smiled.

"Well, bring her to the hospital, And i've hired a fake doctor, he's name is Dr.Charles find him..."

"And?" "He knows what he's going to do,"

I gulp loudly before carrying lauren in my arms, I carried her inside the van and there was still stained blood on my clothes, I got in the passenger seats as I start driving to the hospital,

But before that I called camila.

"Hey lou." she said,

"Cam something happened to lauren," I said pretending to be scared,

"What Happened?!" She asked yelling...

"S-she's dead." Then the line ended,

Actually I was the one who ended the line, Why would jessica would do something like this, The boys will hate me forever like ever.

But It was for them. For the sake of them.

I know I haven't updated a while, and this chapter is short so sorry.
But this chapter is worth it. :) And I hope you understand what really happened.

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