Chapter two

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"So you divide this by this and then multiply this and you should get your answer," Michael explained, writing it down on the paper.

He looked back at Luke when he wasn't answering. Luke was looking down at his phone.

"What are you doing?" Michael asked.

"Talk to my friends," Luke shrugged, not looking up.

"I'm trying to help you here," Michael sighed frustratedly.

"Yeah, and I'm trying to make plans," Luke said. "You know what it's like."

Michael was silent for a moment as he just looked at Luke.

"Oh, right," Luke said, cringing. "You don't know what it's like to have friends."

Michael's jaw dropped. "Asshole."

"Pretty boy's got a bad mouth," Luke laughed.

"Come on, Luke," Michael urged. "You did half a question and that was when your mom came in to ask how it was doing! I've done most of the work!"

"Isn't that was a tutor is? They do your homework for you?" Luke asked, turning off his phone.

"No, Luke, it isn't," Michael said, crossing his arms. "A tutor is someone who helps you learn."

"Oh," Luke said, looking back at his phone. "Well that isn't working, now, is it?"

Michael sighed frustratedly and put down the pencil. "You're lucky I'm getting paid for this."

"Am I? What would you do, pretty boy?" Luke asked, glancing up at Michael.

"I'd leave and not even try," Michael huffed.

"May as well leave because I'm not going to do any of the work," Luke shrugged.

Michael sighed and leaned back in his chair. "You're a real pain in my ass."

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Luke smirked.

Michael rolled his eyes. "You're a real jackass."

"Thank you," Luke said grinning at Michael.

Michael rolled his eyes and then jumped at the sound of Luke's phone alarm going off, causing Luke to laugh and mumble 'pussy.'

"What's that alarm?" Michael asked.

"It's our two hour mark, you're free to go," Luke said getting up.

Michael looked up at Luke as he left the kitchen. He then heard him yelling for his mom to pay him. Michael sighed and packed up his stuff in his book bag. He stood up and walked to the door, putting his shoes on. Luke's mom soon walked down.

"How was it?" She asked.

"It was okay," Michael shrugged.

"You don't have to lie to me, I birthed that boy and I love him to death, but I know he can be a pain in the ass," Liz laughed.

Michael giggled. "It really wasn't that bad, we got some work done," Michael lied, not wanting to lose the job, he really needed the money.

"Well, that's good," Liz smiled as she handed Michael fifty bucks. "I'll see you tomorrow, Michael."

And with that, Michael left to walk his long walk home.


"I can't believe your parents got you a fucking tutor!" Calum yelled as they leant up against the school wall outside.

"I can," Luke mumbled. "I mean, we're skipping school right now, why do you think I'm failing?"

"You're failing because you're dumb as shit," Calum laughed.

Luke shoved his friend but laughed. "Asshole."

He checked his phone and sighed. "Bell's about to ring, I gotta go meet up with skirt boy."

"Have fun, don't get too close!" Calum called after Luke.

Luke walked into the school and to the library. He waited for Michael who wasn't late at all. He mentally sighed and started walking.

"Where are you going?" Michael asked, following him.

"Away from here, I don't need anyone seeing us together," Luke said, walking to his bike.

"So where are we going?" Michael asked again.

"My house," Luke said and rode off.

Michael sighed, he really didn't want to run the distance to Luke's house again. He decided that he wasn't going to and that he was just going to walk it. It was a half an hour walk from the school. Michael sighed when he got to Luke's house and walked in to see Luke sitting on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table. Michael just kind of looked at him.

"What?" Luke asked. "Couch is comfier."

Michael nodded and went to sit next to Luke. "We did math yesterday, so we should probably do something else today."

"Yeah, whatever," Luke said, picking up the remote and turning on the tv.

Michael groaned and leaned over Luke, grabbing the remote from him.

"What the hell?" Luke yelled as Michael turned off the tv.

Michael just smirked as he lifted his skirt and put the remote in his pants. "Try to get it now."

"Gross, I'll just sit in silence," Luke said, defeated.

"That's what I thought," Michael said and pulled out his geography textbook.

"Geography? I hate geography," Luke said.

"Good, you can read," Michael said, opening the book.

Luke rolled his eyes. 

"So right now you're learning about climate, right?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, I think so," Luke yawned.

"So, what is climate?" Michael asked.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" Luke asked.

Michael sighed. "Climate is the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period of time. So right now, it's fall, so the weather is mostly fair, or like cool. And there's also wind and sometimes rain. So when we had that week of rain, our climate was rain."

Michael waited for Luke's idiot response, but got heavy breathing instead. He looked back at Luke and sighed, seeing as he was asleep. Michael sighed for the millionth time today.

This was going to be a long semester.

When you literally do geography research for a story lmao. IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS STORY. But I lowkey wanna write a cake story.

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