Chapter 1: Goodnight Everyone

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*Unknown's POV*

It's been 2 years already, Bella is 13 years old now. She's learned to take care of herself and her dog, to prepare food, patch herself up, and defend herself and the house.

*John's POV*

"Hey boys, I have to go on a hunt out in Hillsboro, Oregon," I said.

"Remember the rules Dean. Don't open the door to anybody, never leave the house, shoot first, ask questions later. Most importantly, watch over Sammy." I reminded him and glanced at my youngest son.

Dean nodded and I left. I got into the Impala, turned on the engine, and started my journey. "Man, I sure do love this car." I thought to myself.

4 hours later

A motel is coming into view and it looks safe. I yawn and ask,
"What time is it?"

11:43 pm

I yawn again, trying not to fall asleep.
"I should just crash here." I pointed out. I pulled up to the motel, checked myself in, and went into my room. I threw my belongings down. It was 11:50 when I fell asleep on the bed.


*Bella's POV*

I've heard about the killings in town and it's gotten me worried. I don't know if I should move because they're killing 13 year old girls and well, that's exactly what I am.

It's 11:50 pm now. I should probably get some sleep. I pat and kiss Tuco on his head. He's my precious dog. My dad gave him to me for my 10th birthday.

I head upstairs, put on a big t-shirt, and jump into bed.


*Dean's POV*

"Alright Sammy, time for bed." I tell Sam.
"But Dean!" he whined. "I'm not even tired yet!"
"Sorry bud, but rules are rules. Dad should be back in a week. Two at the most. Now go to bed!" I nearly yelled at him.

He finally went to bed. He can be so frustrating sometimes. But I still love him. I should get some sleep as well. I turn off the TV and crash on my bed.

"Goodnight, Sammy"
"Goodnight, Dean"
Hey guys!

I'm sorry this chapter is short. I hope I can make them longer the more the story goes on. But oh my gosh! 15 reads already?! Thank you so much! It's only the 1st chapter and the prologue.

Spread around the love! (n_n)


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