Chapter 23: Blessings

Start from the beginning

She then interrupted me.

"First I had to deal with that loser Yuuki Cross, and now I have to deal with some vampire hunter girl? Seriously... Do they not have respect for him?"

"Ruka... You need to stop this. You need to understand that Lord Kaname doesn't love you, and even Yuuki. This just might be for the best. There's someone out there probably looking for you." Akatsuki said, staring at her the entire time.

I've noticed this entire time... He has feelings for her, despite the fact that they are cousins. Ruka doesn't notice because of her feelings for Kaname...

With that said, the doors opened revealing Kaname and Lily, and Ruka looked away in disgust.

I smiled and happily made my way to them. "Welcome back, Kaname. And Lily as well!" I said with a smile.

"Thank you. Where's Aido? I do not see him here." Kaname asked me.

"Hanabusa told me that that he had a date with Seira, so he left." Akatsuki said.

"I still can't get it in my head that Hanabusa out of all people has a girlfriend. " Senri said.

"Maybe Seira saw the real him. Not the fake one that flirts with girls." Akatsuki added.

"The class trip brought them closer." Rima said.

"I'm happy for them." Lily said with a smile.

"Lily and I will be going upstairs now. She will be leaving home today."

"Lily, you're leaving? Why? Is it because..."

She smiled. "Don't worry. I'll be staying at home, but I'll be coming here for Disciplinary Committee duties at night for a specific mission that I need to complete."

"What, could it be that your next target is one of us?" Ruka said with a scoff.

Lily giggled. "Yes. As a matter of fact."

"Why, you..."

"No need to worry. Nobody in this room is a target. My target is Maria Kurenai." Lily said.

"I have always suspected her. It's not a surprise to me that she's a target." Akatsuki said.

Lily smiled and made her way upstairs with Kaname.

"Girls like Lily... I want to meet one like her someday... She's so kind and sweet, but when she's serious, she's serious." I said.

"Someday, Takuma. Someday..." Shiki said.

*Lily's PoV*
Kaname and I went up the stairs to his dorm after seeing the other Night Class students who had just arrived back from the class trip.

"Hehe, things still haven't changed huh... Ruka still hates me."

"Pay no attention to it. That's how she is when she sees something that she doesn't like."

I sighed. "I know, I understand... There's people in the world like that."

I then heard the ring of my phone. I looked at the caller ID and to my surprise it was my grandfather.

"Who is it?" Kaname asked.

"It's my grandfather..." I said, answering the phone.

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