Fluffy Refridgeraters That Sing

Start from the beginning

I hurled my guts out into the toilet and moaned. This was probably the worst hangover I'd ever had. Besides that time in Ireland. That was nasty.

"Gross," I muttered, wiping my mouth. I frowned at the toilet. My vomit was a mix of blue and purple. "What the hell?"

I rinsed my mouth out and walked back out to the kitchen.

"Somebody had a rough night," Damon smirked.

"Get that stuff away from me," I said, pointing to the glass in his hand, but not looking at it.

"What, this?" he asked, holding it out to me. I gagged and looked away.

It was at that point that Elijah walked in. I saw him and remembered what happened last night. A huge grin spread on my face and I looked at him. He glared at me.

"Not a word to anyone," he said threateningly.

I raised my hands in an act of innocence, but kept the grin in place. Judging by Damon's confused expression, he didn't remember what Elijah did last night.

"What's funny?" Caroline asked.

"Nothing," I said, still looking at Elijah, who rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. "Nothing at all."

I sighed, remembering what happened to cause Elijah to scream.

"Guys we have a problem," I said, my voice turning serious.

"No," Elena groaned.

"Not another one," Bonnie muttered.

"Can we not go for a two month period without there being a problem?" Caroline asked.

"Well, there was that time I ran away," I said. "There weren't any problems then."

"Aside from the fact that you ran away," Damon said.

"Eh," I shrugged.

"What's the problem now?" Stefan asked.

"Tyler's a werewolf," Damon said.

"We already knew that," Caroline said.

"That's old news," Shadow said.

"No, no," I said. "As in he's all furry now. For real. Every full moon."

"What?" Everyone but me and Damon asked simultaneously. 

"Yeah, he kinda killed someone last night," Damon said. "Don't worry, I got rid of the body."

"Who was it?" Caroline asked.

"Sarah Moore," I said.

"How?" Elena said, finding her voice.

"He accidently pushed her down the stairs," I said.

"What do you mean, got rid of the body?" Stefan asked Damon.

"You know, put her in the woods, placed a rock with blood next to her," Damon shrugged. "Anyone asked, she tripped and hit her head. Which is pretty much what happened in the first place."

"You put her in the woods?" Caroline asked.

"We've got to tell someone where her body is," Bonnie said. "Everyone's going to wonder where she is."

"Then go ahead and tell someone," Damon said.

"How can you be so calm about this?" Elena asked with narrowed eyes.

"It's not like I knew the girl," Damon said. "So why should I care?"

Stefan glared at him. Elena shook her head at Damon.

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