Beginning Again

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The day was hot as Aurora walked to the store. The air hung heavy, and she felt as if the weight of it would suffocate her.

Lately her head has been swimming with all her thoughts as it has been months since their family garage sale.

Her family managed to get their heads back above the water, but not her. Aurora missed her typewriter dearly.

She started to write all her thoughts down in a notebook instead, but it did not feel the same and so she decided just to keep them all in her head.

Maybe it wasn't only the humidity in the air that would suffocate her.

As she pushed the door open to her favorite store, a rush of cold air hit her as the bells above the door announced her arrival. The air conditioner felt amazing on a day like today.

She stepped in, immediately making her way to the jewelry section. She was here to get her mom a birthday present.

That doesn't mean she didn't allow her eyes to wander to the store's new arrivals. Not seeing anything that interested her enough to want to take a second look she continued her journey.

She did not have a lot of money and especially not enough to buy something she didn't need.

Just as she reached the beginning of the jewelry display did something catch her eye. The familiarity of it was enough to catch her attention and demand she investigate it more.

Reluctantly following her desire, she went over to check it out and soon enough realized it was her typewriter.

She was definite it was hers as it had the same exact sticker she had put on it. There was book stuck in the box and under closer examination, she recognized it as the one she had lost right around the time she sold the typewriter.

Looking at the price Aurora sighed, it was never going to happen.

Remembering her initial intention for going to the store, she began to look at the jewelry. She found a pair of earrings she was sure her mom would love and was within her budget, so she preceded to the register, sighing as she went past her typewriter again.

After waiting her turn and grabbing some candy bars he siblings would enjoy, it was her turn and the cashier rung her up. Saying a goodbye, Aurora prepared herself to go back out into the disgusting heat.

Walking down the sidewalk she didn't realize someone was following her until they tapped her shoulder. She was too lost in thought about the typewriter.

Turning to face the person, she noticed he looked familiar.

"I believe this belongs to you," the man says handing her the typewriter with a knowing smile on her face. Shocked she allows him to give it to her.

Gathering her thoughts back together and trying to form coherent words, she looks back up.

He's no longer standing in front of he but walking along the sidewalk.

"Thank you so much," she calls, but he's already turning the corner, and she is unsure if he heard or not.

As she walks home trying to comprehend what happened, she realizes why he looked familiar.

It was the man who bought the typewriter from her at her family's garage sale.

It wasn't until she was home and in her room did she open her notebook and realize there was writing in it.

There were journal entries from numerous people, and they all had one thing in common.

They were all stories about life falling apart and then beginning again.

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